Poweroffdelay – APC Command Line Interface User Manual
Page 22

Command Reference: Outlet Commands
Command Line Interface (CLI) User’s Guide
Syntax (to read the power-off delay):
poweroffdelay [outlet|range][,outlet|range...]
Syntax (to set the power-off delay):
poweroffdelay outlet|range[,outlet|range...] time|never
Set or read the power-off delay (the
time in seconds that the PDU waits after a
command is issued before it restores power to an
outlet). If you do not specify any outlets, the
power-off delay settings of all outlets to which you
have access are read. To set the power-off delay,
you must specify one or more outlets.
Output Format, reading power-off delay:
outlet_number: outlet_name: Power off delay is
time seconds.
Output Format, setting power-on delay:
outlet_number: outlet_name: Setting power off
delay to time seconds.
Error Messages:
E101, E104
outlet An outlet name or number. If you specify a
name that contains a space character, you must
enclose the name in quotation marks.
range A range of outlet numbers, with a hyphen
separating the starting number from the
ending number.
The power-off delay in seconds to set for the
specified outlets.
never Sets the specified outlets to remain on. This
value is not case-sensitive.