R emoving the old t op – Rugged Ridge XHD Soft Top, Dark Tan, Tinted Windows, 97-06 Jeep Wrangler (TJ) User Manual

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R emoving the Old T op

T ools needed:
(1) S hoe Horn
(2) S afety G las s es

S afety glas s es s hould be worn

(3) R azor K nife

at all times while ins talling this

(4) P hillips s crewdriver product.

S tep (1) : R emove the quarter windows and rear

window. R emove the metal tailgate bar
from the bottom of the rear window and
s et to the s ide. It will be reus ed.

R eleas e the plas tic s trips s ewn to the
top above the doors . P ull down and out
to s lip the plas tic out of the channel.

S tep (2) : R eleas e the latch that s ecures the

header to the winds hield. P ull up on the
lever and then down and out to releas e
the hook from the s lot in the winds hield

S tep (3) : R eleas e the rear corners of the top. P ull

gently down and then out to releas e the
plas tic s trip from the retainer on the

S tep (4) : Unfas ten the flap around the middle bow.

S tep (5) : Uns nap the fabric from the rear bow and

allow the bow to drop onto the tailgate.

P g.2