Rugged Ridge Window Storage Bag, 07-14 Jeep Wrangler (JK) User Manual

Rugged Ridge For the car

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Jeep® Window Storage Bag ( Wrangler YJ, TJ, LJ, 2dr & 4dr JK)

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Step 8. Place bag onto Vehicle
and secure to rear roll bar.


Rev (1) 5/16/2011

Item List:
(1) Protective 3 ply window wrap
(1) Nylon storage bag

Step 1. Place window wrap onto a
large flat surface. Fold back
top 3 covers. Place drivers
side window face down.

Step 2. Fold 2nd protective cover
over first side window and
repeat for passenger side

P/N: 12107.05

Step 3. With 3rd protective cover
over passenger side
window position rear glass
onto protective cover.
Tailgate bar can remain on
rear glass. Top of glass
should be placed
towards Nylon straps.

Step 4. Fold 4th protective cover
over rear glass.

Step 5. Starting at the base roll
protective cover towards
Nylon straps.

Step 6. Secure Nylon straps to

Step 7. Slide protective wrap into
Nylon storage bag and pull
draw strings.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Note: JK side windows will
need to have the soround
channel towards Nylon
straps. Fold zipper end
to fit cover.