Rugged Ridge 2.5-Inch Lift Kit with Shocks, 87-95 Jeep Wrangler (YJ) User Manual

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9. Loosen the track bar bolt connecting the bar to axle housing and on 4" lifts, remove track bar from

axle mount because because a relocation bracket will be installed in step 13).

10. Apply a thin coat of grease to the polyurethane bushings and insert into each eye of new rear

springs. Now apply a thin coat of grease on outside of polyurethane bushings. Insert sleeves into
spring eyes.

11. Notice each end of the factory springs (small eye-towards the rear bumper end and large eye-

towards front) to see which way to install new springs. With a floor jack supporting the rear axle,
unbolt each end of rear leaf springs and remove from both sides. These springs have a degree
shim attached, spring must be installed with thick end of shim towards front bumper. Install
spring eye bolts. (Note: do Not tighten spring eye bolts at this time.)

12. Using the floor jack, lower the rear axle down to leaf springs. Be sure tie bolts align and fit into

the tie bolt holes in the axle housing. (Note: If new shackle bushings were purchased,
grease and install them in the frame at this time.)
Install and tighten new u-bolts, shocks and
tires then lower vehicle to ground. Tighten spring eye bolts at this time.

2-2.5" Lifts, skip to step 14.

13. For 4" Lifts, place new rear track bar extension bracket into the stock bracket (on axle housing),

with the slotted holes toward the top. Place the 1/2" x 1 1/2" spacer tube inside bracket (to
prevent crushing, see white arrow) and install the 1/2" x 3" bolt and washer through original and
new bracket and tighten securely with 1/2" lock nut. Insert track bar into new bracket, and install

using original bolt and nut (do NOT tighten yet). Drill a 3/8" hole and install the new 3/8" x 1" bolt
(see black arrow), washer and nut through side of new and original track bar bracket. Tighten all
the track bar bolts and nuts at this time.

14. Check Brake Line Length, if they seem too short, longer stainless steel DOT Approved lines are

available from Rugged Ridge. A driveline vibration may occur. If so, a transfer case lowering kit
from Rugged Ridge should be installed.

Note: After driving the first 50 miles, re-torque ALL nuts, bolts and esPecIALLY u-boLts,
torque again for another 100 miles and then check periodically thereafter.

original rear View

View From rear of Axle