CertainTeed 2509_Diamondback User Manual
Product overview, Glasroc, Tile backer

I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s
Tile Backer
™ ® CertainTeed is a trademark of CertainTeed Corporation. All other trademarks are the
property of CertainTeed’s affiliates and related companies.
NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. CertainTeed
assumes no responsibility for any errors that may inadvertently appear in this document.
Features & Advantages:
• A superior water-resistant surface.
• Specially formulated water-resistant core.
• Excellent fire-resistance properties, and numerous
fire-rated designs.
• Mold resistance rating of 10 when tested in accordance
with ASTM D 3273.
• Conformity to design and code requirements.
• A lightweight tile backer that cuts like regular gypsum board
and is easy to handle and install – with minimal skin irritation
due to fully embedded glass mats.
• Lifetime Limited Warranty for residential applications.
• Twenty Year Limited Warranty for commercial applications.
• Meets ASTM C 1178, which is recognized by the Tile Council
of North America (TCNA).
• Reduced surface alkalinity versus conventional cement board.
• 1/4" (6.4 mm) Diamondback Tile Backer has passed the
ASTM C 627 Robinson Floor Test for residential and light
commercial floors. This includes TCNA Recognition for
specific Floor Systems.
Product Overview
Tile Backer is a superior tile substrate for walls
and ceilings, specially designed by CertainTeed to meet the
demands of high-moisture areas. Diamondback 1/4" (6.4 mm)
Tile Backer is suitable for use as an underlayment for tile
countertops and floor applications. With an innovative, built-in
moisture-blocking coating that resists moisture at the surface,
Diamondback Tile Backer protects tile installations and wall
cavities from moisture intrusion and eliminates the need for a
separate moisture barrier. Because paperless tile backer boards
provide increased mold resistance, Diamondback Tile Backer is
well-suited for tile and non-tile installations in wet and non-wet
applications, areas of high humidity and for fire-rated assemblies.
Products –
Superior Technology
CertainTeed’s GlasRoc
products feature unique Embedded
Glass Reinforced Gypsum
) technology. This patented*
technology combines a protective textured coating on the
face, with reinforced glass mats fully embedded into a water
resistant gypsum core, positioned beneath a polymer-modified
gypsum surface. The GlasRoc
offering provides:
• Water-resistant, paperless surface that is designed to meet
the requirements of the application.
• Numerous fire-rated assembly designs for safety
and performance.
• Moisture and mold resistance for protection and durability.
• Lightweight and designed to cut like regular gypsum board
for ease of installation.
Covered by U.S. Patent No. 6,524,679; 6,878,321; 6,866,492;
and other patents pending.
Textured coating bonded to a
polymer-modified gypsum surface
Specially formulated
water-resistant core
Reinforcing glass mats fully embedded
beneath a layer of gypsum
When using Diamondback
Tile Backer on countertops ( see
Diagram 6), a minimum 23/ 32" (18.3 mm ) exterior glue plywood
base must first be installed flat and level, followed by a bedding coat
of latex-modified thinset on the plywood using a 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
( 6 x 6 x 6 mm ) notched trowel. Framing spacing should not
exceed 24" (610 mm) o.c. Overhangs, expansion/control joints on
cantilever counters must be supported to prevent movement.
Apply clean, dry Diamondback Tile Backer to the base with the
textured side facing out prior to the leveling material setting up.
Fasten panel every 6" (150 mm ) o.c in both directions, using
1- 1/4" ( 32 mm ) galvanized roofing nails or 1-1/4" ( 32 mm )
corrosion-resistant backerboard screws.
Stagger joints of Diamondback Tile Backer panels with those of
the plywood base, butting joints tightly. Tape all joints and corners
using nominal 2" ( 50 mm ) wide self-adhering, alkali - resistant
fiberglass mesh tape, such as FibaTape
Cement Board Tape and
embed the tape with latex cement mortar that meets ANSI A118.4.
Install tile using latex - modified thinset, expansion / control joints
and grout in accordance with ANSI A108.
Use a waterproof membrane ( ANSI A118.10 ) to seal edge and
bottom of plywood overhang at face of counter and all other
plywood surfaces and edges that will be exposed to water or
moisture, especially around automatic dishwashers.
1/4" (6.4 mm) or 1/2" (12.7 mm)
Tile Backer
Latex Portland Cement Mortar
(meeting ANSI A118.4)
Framing support
Base min. 23/32"
(18.3 mm) plywood
Diagram 6
Special notes:
• Do not use an additional moisture barrier. Diamondback Tile
Backer has a built-in moisture barrier.
• Do not use all-purpose joint compound or paper tape in wet
areas. Use 2" (50 mm) wide alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh tape.
• Do not use Diamondback Tile Backer as a base for nailing
and mechanical fastening.
• Do not laminate Diamondback Tile Backer directly to masonry
block or concrete. Framing or furring of wall is necessary.
• In all corners, prior to applying the mesh tape, apply a small
bead of sealant to the joint without spreading it over the face
of Diamondback Tile Backer.
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