CertainTeed drywall User Manual
Gypsum wallboard panels, Installation instructions planning the job

ProRoc gypsum board is
very easy to work with and
cutting is quite simple. To
make a cut, score the paper
on the face side with a util-
ity knife along the edge of
your T-square. Apply firm,
but even, pressure to snap
the board along the score. Then fold the board along
the score and cut the paper along the crease with the
utility knife. Lastly, smooth the rough edges with a
sanding block or drywall rasp.
Remember, always wear safety glasses when cutting or
sanding boards.
You can attach your
ProRoc boards to studs or
joists using nails, screws.
We recommend using
drywall screws for opti-
mum installation and
professional finish. You
might wish to consult
with your dealer when considering the different appli-
cation methods.
Always install ceiling first, then install walls, allowing
a space of at least 1/2” off of the floor. Keep fasteners
6-inches away from the interior ceiling and ensure that
nails or screws are not less than 3/8” from the ends
and edges of the boards.
Installing ceiling boards can be tricky and requires two
people. In addition, you will find it much easier if you
use T-braces or a drywall lift to hold the boards in
place until they are fastened.
You can build T-braces
yourself! You’ll need a two
by four that is an inch
longer than the distance
from the floor to the ceil-
ing framing members, as
well as, 2-two foot lengths
of one by fours.
One piece of the 1 x 4 should be used for the top of
the “T”, while the second piece should be used as a
brace and attached diagonally from the top piece to
the stem. You’ll need to make sure the T stays square.
Have your helper use one T-brace, while you manage
the other to lift the board into place. Your drywall
screws should be installed 12” to the joists. If using
nails, they should be placed 6” apart. Install nails or
screws slightly indented into the surface, without
breaking the paper face or damaging the gypsum core.
If you do break the paper, remove the fastener and
replace with one 2” away.
When installing gypsum board, install the upper board
first, ensuring that you push the board firmly against the
ceiling and that tapered edges are in contact. Then fasten
with drywall screws spaced 16” apart (or preferably double
nails 6” apart) working from the center out to the edges.
To put the lower panel into place, you may wish to use
a wedge or wallboard lifter. Put the angled edge under
the board and use it as a lever to jack it up against the
top panel.
You will need to cut openings in your ProRoc boards
to accommodate electrical outlets, light fixtures,
windows and doors.
For light fixtures and
electrical boxes, measure
the distance from the
edge of the adjacent board
to the near and far sides
of the installed fixture
box. Then measure from
the top edge of the panel
to the top and bottom of the box. Trace the outline of
the box in the position you just measured on the
board. Cut the opening with a drywall saw.
For larger openings, install the panels directly across the
openings. Then use a drywall saw to cut the panels, using
the framing as your guide. As you install the boards,
make sure that you do not place joints at the edges of
doors or windows. If you do, as the door or window is
opened and closed over time, the joint will crack.
To join boards at an inside corner, simply butt the
second board against the first and fasten its end to
a framing member.
On outside corners, be sure to cover the end of the
first installed board with that of the second. Fasten
both ends of the boards to the common stud.
To prepare the corner for
finishing, install a corner
bead. Measure the length
needed, then cut the bead
with tin snips, cutting
through each flange
towards the nose, then
bending the bead to break.
After selecting the corner bead of your choice, follow
the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
A durable, lightweight, cost-effective building material
for interior walls and ceilings.
Consisting of a premium quality, non-combustible
gypsum core, ProRoc gypsum board is encased in a
smooth face (front) and back covering of 100% recycled
paper. The tapered edges are precision manufactured
and paper bound for easy joint finishing, making
ProRoc gypsum board the ideal choice for finishing
interior walls and ceilings. Once primed, it can be painted,
wallpapered or textured for a look that works for you.
To properly install ProRoc gypsum board, you’ll need
the following tools:
❏ Tape measure
❏ 4-foot T-square or straight edge
❏ Utility knife with extra blades
❏ Step ladder
❏ Marking pencil
❏ Wallboard Saw
❏ Tin snips
❏ “Mud” Hawk or Pan
❏ 2-1/2”, 4”, 7” and 12” finishing knife
❏ Drywall rasp
❏ Dust mask
❏ Safety glasses or goggles
❏ 150-180 grit sandpaper
❏ Sanding pad and pole sander
❏ Sponge
❏ Drywall hammer or regular carpenter’s hammer
(if installing with drywall nails)
❏ Electric screw gun or standard drill with dimpler
attachment (if installing with drywall screws)
Installation Instructions
Planning the Job
It’s best to plan your ProRoc installation with the least
amount of joints (the seam where boards meet).
Fewer joints will mean less finishing work.
We recommend installing ProRoc boards perpendicular
to studs or joists. ProRoc boards comes in 4-foot wide
and various lengths and thicknesses. However, most
common are 8”, 10”, 12”. You may find it easiest to
work with 8-foot boards.
If you are intending to finish your ceilings with a water
based texture, you should use ProRoc 1/2” Interior
Ceiling Board on maximum 24” on centre joists, in
order to avoid sagging.
To determine how many ProRoc boards you will need,
simply calculate the total surface area of your walls
and/or ceiling by multiplying the length by the width.
You might wish to draw a sketch of the room/area you
are working on to make things easier. When calculat-
ing, do not subtract windows or door areas. Divide
your total square footage by the square footage of
your boards (32-feet for an 8-foot board) and round
up to find the number of boards you need.
Based on the square footage of your project area,
you’ll need the following materials per 100-square-feet:
❏ 100 1-1/4” drywall screws (or 1/2 lb of nails)
❏ 30-feet of CertainTeed Marco Joint Tape
❏ 4.5L of ProRoc joint compound
20'– 0"
direction of
studs or joints
24'– 0"
C e r t a i n T e e d
I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e
Gypsum Wallboard Panels