Information for users – Beijer Electronics EPC GEmbedded PC EN User Manual
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© Systeme Lauer GmbH & Co. KG • Kelterstr. 59 • D-72669 Unterensingen • Tel: +49 (7022) 96 60-0 • Fax: +49 (7022) 96 60-103
Information for Users
Please read this manual before using the product for the first time, and be
sure to keep it where you can make use of it later.
Unless where explicitly referred to the versions Economy Unit or Busi-
ness Unit, the description applies for all units.
Intended audience
The manual has been written for users who are familiar with PC systems
and automation technology.
Conventions used in this manual
Keys the user has to press on the keyboard are
represented in square brackets, e.g. [CTRL] or [DEL].
Screen output is represented in the Courier type font,
Courier Bold
User inputs via keyboard are identified
by the Courier Bold type font, e.g.
The names of buttons, menus or other screen
elements the user has to select and product names
are represented in
italics .
Safety instructions
Wherever there may be dangerous faults in the automation equipment,
i.e., where an error would cause significant property damage or injury to
persons if it occurred, additional external precautions must be taken or
equipment must be set up (for example by using independent limit
switches, mechanical disabling locks, etc.). In the event of an error, these
measures must ensure or force a safe operating status.
Testing and verification of suitability for the purpose intended by the user,
or for deployment under usage conditions, are the responsibility of the
user. Systeme Lauer accepts no liability for testid.
The following pictograms have been used in the manual to identify special
text passages:
Potentially hazardous situation.
May result in personal injury.
Potentially hazardous situation.
May result in property damage.
Tips and supplementary information