Akai MPK261 User Manual
Page 14

MSB / LSB: If Program Change or Program Bank is the selected Type, these determine the
MSB (Most Significant Bit) and LSB (Least Significant Bit). The available range is 000–127.
Tip: For more information about Program Change and Program Bank messages, please see
the Program Change Mode chapter of this guide.
MIDI to DIN: This determines whether or not MIDI data is sent to the MIDI Out (On) or not
(Off). MIDI data will be sent to MPK261's USB connection regardless of this setting.
On Color / Off Color: These determine what colors the pad will be when it is pressed (On) and
not pressed (Off). The available settings are Off, Red, Orange, Amber, Yellow, Green, Green
Blue, Aqua, Light Blue, Blue, Purple, Pink, Hot Pink, Light Purple, Light Green, Light Pink,
Note Mode: If Note is the selected Type, this determines whether it is in Momentary Mode
(sends a Note On message only while pressed and held, sends a Note Off message when
released) or Toggle Mode (sends a continuous Note On message when pressed once, sends
the Note Off message when pressed once again).