Nor-Lake envIro-lIne User Manual
Page 38

© 2013 Nor-Lake, Inc 07/13 Rev. F 132617
Using small pieces of electrical tape, fasten the heater wire in place. Lift the heater wire at each corner and apply
three thicknesses of electrical tape around the insulation over a length of approximately 3".
Follow by forming a small loop at each corner to permit expansion and
contraction of the heater wire without strain at these points. After the loops
are formed, tape them in place with a short strip of electrical tape.
The heater wire should be relatively straight in the head jamb and in the side
jambs, but all excess heater wire must be taken up in the THRESHOLD AREA
ONLY by forming a "zig-zag" configuration. Make sure that this configuration
will be accommodated by the width of the raceway in the bottom plate or
threshold. The extra length of heater wire concentrated in the threshold will
produce more heat per foot in the threshold than in the jambs.
After the heater wire is in place, tape it down where necessary with short
strips of electrical tape to prevent the heater wire from interfering with the
replacement of the chrome trim.
Start replacing the stainless steel trim with the head trim section. Hold in
place while replacing the three screws. Install the right and left trim in a similar manner. The trim should easily
be replaced by hand.
Place the threshold in its original
location and replace all of the screws
in their original locations. Reminder:
The hardboard needs to be in place
before replacing the threshold. After
the threshold is secured, apply a
3/16" bead of silicone sealant at both ends of the threshold where they meet the side jambs. With a wet finger,
smooth out the silicone fillet for a neat, professional looking job.