CatEye MSC 3Dx User Manual

User manual, Introduction

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Thank you very much for purchasing the CAT EYE MSC-3Dx. The MSC-3Dx is a multi sports
computer that combines the functions of a wireless heart rate monitor and a Cyclocomputer. Our
race proven Cyclocomputer technology and the double pulse heartrate system enables you to
monitor, track and record your training and racing data – your heartrate, speed, distance and
cadence (pedal revolution).

The recorded data can be downloaded to a PC by using the optional download unit.

Please read this manual to gain a thorough understanding of the product and how it works.
Please keep this manual in a safe place.

If this manual is damaged or lost, contact our offices, your local dealer or


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• No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted without the prior written permis-

sion of Cat Eye Co., Ltd.

• The contents and illustrations in this manual are subject to change without notice.

• If there should be any errors or inaccuracies in this manual, please contact Cat Eye at

* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.



Copyright© 2000

CAT EYE Co., Ltd.



User Manual

Startup manual gives you information of installation, preparation of the

main unit and basic operation.