Panasonic WJ-NV200 - User Manual

Page 63

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Configure the settings relating to the mail notification [e-Mail]

The settings of alarm mail notice, the settings of error report mail (☞ Operating Instructions (PDF)) and the settings to use the mail
functions can be configured on this tab.

[SMTP server address]
Enter an IP address or a name of the SMTP server to send
e-mails. The name of the SMTP server is available only when
"Manual" is selected for "DNS" on the [Basic] tab accessed
from the "Advanced setup" menu - the "Network" page of
the setup menu. Enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters
including hyphens (-) and periods (.).

[SMTP port number]
Enter the port number of the SMTP server.

1 - 65535

Default: 25

[POP server address]
Enter an IP address or name of the POP server to be used
for POP before SMTP authentication. The name of the POP
server is available only when "Manual" is selected for "DNS"
on the [Basic] tab accessed from the "Advanced setup"
menu - the "Network" page of the setup menu. Enter up to
255 alphanumeric characters including hyphens (-) and peri-
ods (.).

[Authentic method]
Select the authentication method to send e-mails from the

None/ POP before SMTP/ SMTP

Default: None

[Authentic method - User name]
Enter the user name to be required for the authentication.
Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters excluding "&" listed
in the description of "Note".

[Authentic method - Password]
Enter the password to be required together with the user
name for the authentication. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric
characters excluding "&" listed in the description of "Note".
An entered character for the password will be displayed as
"*" or "•".


• Available characters are as follows.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a

b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 ! # $ % &‘ ( ) * + ,- . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

[Sender's address]
Enter the mail address of a sender. Entered mail addresses
will be displayed in the "From" (sender) line. Enter up to 127
alphanumeric characters including hyphens (-), periods (.),
@, and _.
Default: NWDR

[Destination address - Address1 - Address4]
Enter the mail addresses of the recipients of the alarm mail
and the warning mail (☞ Operating Instructions (PDF)). Enter
up to 255 alphanumeric characters including hyphens (-),
periods (.), @, and _.
Check the desired mail type (Warning/Alarm) to be sent.
Up to 4 destination addresses can be registered.