Additional information, Setting the wireless bluetooth signal on/off, About “songpal – Sony CMT-X5CD User Manual

Page 2: Troubleshooting, Precautions/specifications, Listening to music by one-touch action (nfc), Playing with high quality sound codec (aac/aptx), Setting the automatic standby function, Setting the bluetooth standby mode, Adjusting the sound

background image

CMT-X5CD (GB) 4-528-303-


Listening to music through a

registered device

After step 1 on “Pairing the system with a
BLUETOOTH device and listening to music,”
operate the BLUETOOTH device to connect with
the system, then press

  of the unit to start


Listening to music by one-touch

action (NFC)

NFC is a technology for short-range wireless
communication between various devices such as
a mobile phone and IC tag.
Just touch your smartphone/tablet on the
system. The system is turned on automatically,
and pairing and BLUETOOTH connection are
Beforehand, turn the NFC settings to on.


Touch your smartphone/tablet on the N-mark

 on the unit.
Touch the smartphone/tablet on the unit and
maintain contact until the smartphone/tablet
Refer to the user’s guide of your smartphone
for the part of your smartphone/tablet used
as touch contact.


After completing the connection, press

 .

Starts playback.
To disconnect the established connection,
touch your smartphone/tablet on the N-Mark

 on the unit.


ˎCompatible smartphones are those equipped with the NFC

function (compatible operating system: Android version

2.3.3 or later with the exception of Android 3.x).

Check the website below for information on compatible


For customers in the United States:

For customers in Canada

ˎIf the smartphone/tablet does not respond even though

it is touched to the unit, download “NFC Easy Connect”

to your smartphone/tablet and run it. Then touch to the

unit again. “NFC Easy Connect” is a free application for

exclusive use with Android™. Scan the following 2D Code.

ˎWhen you touch an NFC-compliant smartphone/tablet on

the unit while another BLUETOOTH device is connected

with this system, the BLUETOOTH device is disconnected

and the system is connected with the smartphone/tablet.


ˎIn some countries and regions, NFC-compliant application

may not be downloaded.

ˎFor some smartphones/tablets, this function may be

available without downloading “NFC Easy Connect.” In this

case, the operation and specifications of the smartphone/

tablet may be different from the description in this


For details, refer to the user’s guide supplied with your


Playing with high quality sound

codec (AAC/aptX)

You can receive the data in AAC or aptX codec
format from a BLUETOOTH device. It provides the
playback with a higher quality sound.
The factory settings of “BT AAC” and “BT APTX”
are “ON.”


Press MENU





 to select “BT MENU,” then press





 to select “BT AAC” (AAC codec)

or “BT APTX” (aptX codec), then press





 to select “ON,” then press .


ˎIf you initiate setup during BLUETOOTH connection, the

connection is cut.

ˎIf sound is interrupted during reception in AAC codec

format, set to “OFF” in step 4 to cancel the settings. In this

case, the system receives SBC codec.

Additional information

Setting the Automatic Standby


The system enters Standby mode automatically
in about 15 minutes when there is no operation
or audio signal output (

Automatic Standby

By default, the Automatic Standby function is
turned on.


Press MENU





 to select “STBY:MODE,” then






 to select “AUTO:STBY,” then press





 to select “ON” or “OFF,” then




ˎ2 minutes before entering standby mode, “AUTO:STBY”

displays in the display window



ˎThe Automatic Standby function is invalid for the tuner

function (FM), even when you have enabled it.

ˎThe system may not enter Standby mode automatically in

the following cases:
 while using the FM function
 while an audio signal is being detected
 during playback of audio tracks or files
 while the Play Timer or Sleep Timer is being used

ˎThe system counts down the time (about 15 minutes)

again until it enters Standby mode, even when Automatic

Standby function is enabled in the following cases:
 when a USB device is connected while “USB” function
 when a button on the remote or unit is pressed

Setting the BLUETOOTH Standby


When BLUETOOTH Standby mode is enabled,
the system enters Wait mode for BLUETOOTH
connection even when the system is turned off.
This mode is disabled by default.


Press MENU





 to select “STBY:MODE,” then






 to select “BT STBY,” then press





 to select “ON” or “OFF,” then






 to turn off the system.


ˎWhen this system is set to “ON,” the system turns on

automatically and you can listen to music by activating

BLUETOOTH on the connected component.

Setting the wireless


When the unit is turned on, you can control a
BLUETOOTH signal. The default setting is ON.


Turn on the unit.


Press and hold

  and /  of the unit.


After “RF OFF” (wireless BLUETOOTH signal is

off) or “RF ON” (wireless BLUETOOTH signal is

on) appears, release the button.


ˎWhen this setting is set to OFF, the BLUETOOTH function is

not available.

ˎWhen this setting is off, the unit is turned on by the

smartphone/tablet by one-touch action (NFC) on the unit.

ˎWhen this setting is off, the BLUETOOTH Standby mode

cannot be set.

ˎWhen the BLUETOOTH Standby mode is on and the unit is

turned off, the BLUETOOTH Standby mode turns off.

ˎWhen this setting is off, the unit and BLUETOOTH device

cannot be paired.

ˎEven when this setting is off, a wired connection can still

be used.

Adjusting the sound

You can set the bass and treble or adjust the
tone to your preferences.







 to select “CA+,” “P-EQ” (sound

effect), or “WIDE ST” (stereo effect), then press


CA+: Set to the recommended sound quality of
P-EQ (EQUALIZER): Select the desired sound
from the following styles:
Select “HIGH” or
“NORMAL,” then press

. If you want to

adjust to a more natural stereo sound, select

Using the timers

The system offers Sleep Timer and Play Timer.


ˎThe Sleep Timer has priority over the Play Timer.

Setting the Sleep Timer

At the specified time, the system is turned off



Press MENU



Press /

 to select “SLEEP,” then press



Press /

 to select the specified time, then



You can select from “10MIN” (10 minutes) to
“90MIN” (90 minutes) in 10 minute increments.


ˎTo check the remaining time of Sleep Timer, perform steps

1 and 2 above.

ˎThe Sleep Timer works even if the clock is not set.

To cancel the Sleep Timer

Select “OFF” in step 3 above.

Setting the Play Timer


ˎMake sure you have set the clock before setting the timer.

See “Setting the clock.”

Play timer

You can listen to a CD or MP3 disc, USB device or
radio every day at a preset time.
The Play Timer setting remains as long as the
setting is not canceled.


Prepare the sound source.





Press /

 to select “PLAYTIMER,” then



The start time flashes in the display window





 to select time, then press .

Follow the same procedure to set “MINUTE” of
the time to start operation, then “HOUR” and
“MINUTE” of the time to stop the operation.




 to select the desired sound

source, then press


The confirmation display for the Play Timer




 to turn off the system.


ˎBefore the preset time, the system automatically turns on.

 for FM: about 15 seconds before the preset time
 for a CD or USB device: about 90 seconds before the

preset time

ˎWhen the sound source is a CD, you can preprogram the

Play Timer. See “Creating your own program (Program


ˎWhen the sound source is radio, make sure to tune-in the

radio station in advance.

ˎTo change the timer setting, perform the procedures from

the beginning again.


ˎThe Play Timer does not work if the system is already on at

the preset time. Be careful not to operate the system until

it is turned on and starts play with the timer.

ˎWhen the sound source for a Play Timer is set to a radio

station that you set using Automatic

Scanning (AUTO) or Manual Tuning (MANUAL), and you

change the radio frequency or band after setting the

timer, the radio station setting for the timer will also be


ˎWhen the sound source for a Play Timer is set to a radio

station tuned from a preset radio station, and you change

the frequency of the radio station or band after setting

the timer, the radio station setting for the timer will not

change. The radio station tuning for the timer is fixed at

the frequency you set.

To check the setting







to select “SELECT”, then press





to select “TIMER SEL,” and then






to select “PLAY SEL,” and then



The timer setting appears in the display


To cancel the timer

After step 3 on “To check the setting,” select
“OFF,” then press


Changing the battery

The working distance of the remote shortens
as the battery becomes exhausted. When the
remote no longer operates the unit, replace the
battery with a new CR2025 lithium battery (not


Push and hold

 at the rear of the remote,

then pull out the battery holder in the

direction of the arrow.


Replace the battery with the“+” facing up,

then insert the battery holder into the slot.

+ facing up

Battery holder


ˎWipe the battery with a dry cloth to assure a good contact.

ˎDo not hold the battery with metallic tweezers, otherwise

a short-circuit may occur.

ˎUse of batteries other than the CR2025 may cause a fire or


The USB device cannot be charged.

ˎMake sure the USB device is connected securely

to the

(USB) port


ˎThe USB device may not be supported by this


ˎDisconnect the USB device and then reconnect

it. For details on the charging status of the USB

device, see the operating manual of the USB



Severe hum or noise occurs (“STEREO”

flashes in the display window

), or

broadcasts cannot be received.

ˎConnect the antenna properly.

ˎFind a location and an orientation that provide

good reception, and then set up the antenna


ˎKeep the antennas away from the unit, speaker

cord or other AV components to avoid picking

up noise.

ˎTurn off nearby electrical equipment.

Several radio stations can be heard at the

same time.

ˎFind a location and an orientation that provide

good reception, and then set up the antenna


ˎBundle the antenna cables using commercially

available cord clips and adjust the cable


To reset the system to factory settings

If the system still does not operate properly,
reset the system to factory settings.
Use buttons on the unit to reset the system to its
factory default settings.


Disconnect the power cord and confirm

that the standby indicator

is not lit. Then

reconnect the power cord and turn on the



Press and hold FUNCTION




the unit until “RESET” appears in the display.
All user-configured settings, such as preset
radio stations, timer, and the clock, are
If the problem persists after doing all of the
above, consult your nearest Sony dealer.


ˎIf you dispose of the unit or give it to another person,

reset the unit for security.


The following messages may appear or flash
during operation.

CAN’T PLAY: You have set a disc that cannot be

played back on this system, such as CD-ROM

and DVD disc.

COMPLETE: The station preset operation ended


DATA ERROR: You tried to play an unplayable


ERROR: You operated the system during

initialization. Wait for a while until the

initialization is completed.

FULL: You tried to program more than 25 tracks

or files.

LOCKED: The disc slot

 is locked and you

cannot remove the disc. Contact your nearest

Sony dealer.

NO DEVICE: No USB device is connected or the

connected USB device has been removed.

NO DISC: There is no disc in the player, or you

have loaded a disc that cannot be played.

NO MEMORY: The memory media is not

inserted in the USB device, or the system does

not identify the memory media.

NO STEP: All of the programmed tracks have

been erased.

NO SUPPORT: The system does not support the

connected USB device.

NO TRACK: There are not playable files on the

USB device or disc.

NOT IN USE: You pressed an unplayable button.
OVER CURRENT: Remove the USB device from

the port and turn off the system then turn on

the system.

PUSH STOP: You attempted to change the

play mode during playback in the CD or USB


READING: The system is reading the information

on the CD or USB device. Some buttons do not

work during reading.

TIME NG: The Play Timer start and end times are

set to the same time.

About “SongPal”

A dedicated App for this model is available on
both Google Play™ and the App Store.

Sound settings

You can easily customize your sound, or use
Sony’s recommended settings “CA+.”

Controlling a CD inserted in the unit, or a

device connected via USB

You can play a CD that is inserted in the unit
or music in a device connected to the USB

What you can control with “SongPal” varies
depending on the connected device.
The specification and design of the app may
change without notice.

Device Select

Select a “SongPal” compatible device.

Settings of the connected device

Various sound settings are displayed.

This menu can be displayed from any

screen by flicking right.

Home screen

Displays functions of selected

device, and apps installed on your


Mini player

Controller for selected function.




Make sure the power cord is firmly connected.


Find your problem in the checklist below, and

take the indicated corrective action.
If the issue persists, contact your nearest Sony

If the standby indicator flashes

Immediately unplug the power cord, and
make sure the power cord is not connected to
a wall outlet other than AC 120 V.

ˎAfter the standby indicator  stops

flashing, plug the power cord again, and

turn on the system. If the issue persists,

contact your nearest Sony dealer.


The system does not turn on.

ˎMake sure you have connected the power cord

to a wall outlet correctly.

The system has entered Standby mode


ˎThis is not a malfunction. The system enters

Standby mode automatically in about 15

minutes when there is no operation or audio

signal output. See “Setting the Automatic

Standby function.”

The clock setting or the Play Timer

operation has been canceled


ˎIf about a minute elapses with no operation,

the clock setting or Play Timer setting is

canceled automatically. Perform the operation

again from the beginning.

There is no sound.

ˎTurn up the volume on the unit.

ˎMake sure an external component is connected

correctly to the AUDIO IN jack

 and set the

function to AUDIO IN.

ˎThe specified station may have temporarily

stopped broadcast.

Severe hum or noise occurs.

ˎMove the system away from sources of noise.

ˎConnect the system to a different wall outlet.

ˎUse of an AC power tap with a noise filter (not

supplied) is recommended.

The remote does not function.

ˎRemove any obstacles between the remote

and the remote sensor

on the unit, and

position the unit away from fluorescent lights.

ˎPoint the remote at the remote sensor


the unit.

ˎMove the remote closer to the system.

ˎReplace the batteries.

CD-DA/MP3 disc

“LOCKED” appears in the display window

and the disc cannot be removed from

the disc slot


ˎConsult your nearest Sony dealer or local

authorized Sony service facility.

The disc or file will not play.

ˎThe disc that has not been finalized (a CD-R or

CD-RW disc to which data can be added).

The sound skips, or the disc will not play.

ˎThe disc may be dirty or scratched. When the

disc is dirty, wipe it clean.

ˎMove the system to a location away from

vibration (for example, on top of a stable


Play does not start from the first track or


ˎMake sure the current play mode is correct. If

the play mode is “SHUFFLE” or “PROGRAM,”

change the setting.

Starting playback takes more time than


ˎThe following discs can increase the time it

takes to start playback:
 a disc recorded with a complicated tree


 a disc recorded in multi-session format.
 a disc that has many folders.

USB device

For details on compatible USB devices, see
“Compatible devices and versions.”

An unsupported USB device is connected.

ˎThe following problems may occur.

 The USB device is not recognized.
 File or folder names are not displayed on this


 Playback is not possible.
 The sound skips.
 There is noise.
 A distorted sound is output.

There is no sound.

ˎThe USB device is not connected correctly. Turn

off the system, and then reconnect the USB


There is noise, skipping, or distorted


ˎAn unsupported USB device is connected.

Connect a supported USB device.

ˎTurn off the system, then reconnect the USB

device and turn on the system.

ˎThe music data itself contains noise, or the

sound is distorted. Noise may have been

entered when creating music data due to the

conditions of the computer. In this case, delete

the file and send the music data again.

ˎThe bit rate used when encoding the files was

low. Send files encoded with higher bit rates to

the USB device.

“READING” is displayed for an extended

time, or it takes a long time before

playback starts.

ˎThe reading process may take a long time in

the following cases.
 There are many folders or files on the USB


 The file structure is extremely complex.
 Not enough free space in the memory.
 The internal memory is fragmented.

The file or folder name (album name) is

not displayed correctly.

ˎSend the music data to the USB device again,

as the data stored in the USB device may have

been corrupted.

ˎThe character code that can be displayed by

this system are as follows:
 Upper cases (A to Z).
 Numbers (0 to 9).
 Symbols (< > * +, [ ] @ \ _).

Other characters appear as “_.”

The USB device is not recognized.

ˎTurn off the system and reconnect the USB

device, then turn on the system.

ˎAn incompatible USB device may be connected.

ˎThe USB device does not work properly. Refer

to the operating manual supplied with the USB

device for how to deal with this problem.

Play does not start.

ˎTurn off the system and reconnect the USB

device, then turn on the system.

ˎAn incompatible USB device may be connected.

Play does not start from the first track.

ˎSet the play mode to “NORMAL” play mode.



Discs that this system CAN play

ˎAudio CD-DA discs

ˎCD-R/CD-RW (audio data of CD-DA tracks and

MP3 files)

Do not use a CD-R/CD-RW disc with no data
stored. Doing so may damage the disc.

Discs that this system CANNOT play


ˎCD-R/CD-RW other than those recorded in

music CD format or MP3 format conforming to

ISO9660 Level 1/Level 2, Joliet

ˎCD-R/CD-RW recorded in multi-session format

and not closed the session

ˎCD-R/CD-RW of poor recording quality,

CD-R/CD-RW that have scratches or are dirty,

or CD-R/CD-RW recorded with an incompatible

recording device

ˎCD-R/CD-RW which is finalized incorrectly

ˎCD-R/CD-RW containing files other than MPEG

1 Audio Layer-3 (MP3) files

ˎ8 cm disc

ˎDiscs of non-standard shape (for example,

heart, square, star)

ˎDiscs that have adhesive tape, paper, or sticker

attached to them

ˎRental or used discs with attached seals where

the glue extends beyond the seal

ˎDiscs that have labels printed using ink that

feels tacky when touched

Notes on CD-DA discs

ˎBefore playing, wipe the disc with a cleaning

cloth from the center out to the edge.

ˎDo not clean discs with solvents, such as

benzine, thinner, or commercially available

cleaners or anti-static spray intended for vinyl


ˎDo not expose discs to direct sunlight or heat

sources such as hot air ducts, nor leave it in a

car parked in direct sunlight.

On safety

ˎCompletely disconnect the power cord (mains

lead) from the wall outlet (mains) if it is not

going to be used for an extended period of

time. When unplugging the system, always grip

the plug. Never pull the cord itself.

ˎShould any solid object or liquid get into

the system, unplug the system, and have

it checked by qualified personnel before

operating it again.

ˎThe AC power cord can be changed only by a

qualified service facility.

On placement

ˎDo not place the system in an inclined position

or in locations that are extremely hot, cold,

dusty, dirty, or humid or lacking adequate

ventilation, or subject to vibration, direct

sunlight or a bright light.

ˎBe careful when placing the system on surfaces

that have been specially treated (for example,

with wax, oil, polish) as staining or discoloration

of the surface may result.

ˎIf the system is brought directly from a cold to

a warm location or is placed in a very damp

room, moisture may condense on the lens

inside the CD player, and cause the system

to malfunction. In this situation, remove the

disc, and leave the system turned on for about

an hour until the moisture evaporates. If the

system still does not operate, even after an

extended period, consult your nearest Sony


On heat buildup

ˎHeat buildup on the unit during charging or

operation over a long period of time is normal

and not cause for alarm.

ˎDo not touch the cabinet if it has been used

continuously at a high volume because the

cabinet may have become hot.

ˎDo not obstruct the ventilation holes.

Cleaning the cabinet

Clean this system with a soft cloth slightly
moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do
not use any type of abrasive pads, scouring
powder, or solvents, such as thinner, benzine, or

Compatible devices and versions

iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

Check the websites below for details on the
latest supported versions of the compatible
For customers in the United States:
For customers in Canada

Compatible models


iPhone 5s

iPhone 5c

iPhone 5

iPhone 4s

iPhone 4

iPhone 3GS

iPad Air *

iPad mini with Retina display*

iPad (4th generation)*

iPad mini*

iPad (3rd generation)*

iPad 2*


iPod touch (5th generation)

iPod touch (4th generation)

iPod touch (3rd generation)*

iPod nano (7th generation)*

* “SongPal” does not support iPod touch (3rd generation),

iPod classic, and iPod nano.

“SongPal” does not support iPad as of January 2014.

Bluetooth technology works with iPhone 5s,
iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone
3GS, iPod touch (5th generation), iPod touch (4th

USB device

Check the websites below for details on the
latest supported versions of the compatible
For customers in the United States:
For customers in Canada

BLUETOOTH wireless technology

BLUETOOTH wireless technology is a short-range
wireless technology linking digital devices, such
as personal computers and digital still cameras.
Using the BLUETOOTH wireless technology, you
can operate the units involved within a range of
about 10 meters.
The BLUETOOTH wireless technology is
commonly used between two devices, but a
single device can be connected to multiple
You do not need wires to get connected as you
do with a USB connection, and you do not need
to place the devices face to face as you do with
wireless infrared technology. You can use the
technology with one BLUETOOTH device in your
bag or pocket.
BLUETOOTH wireless technology is a global
standard supported by thousands of companies.
These companies produce products that meet
the global standard.

Supported BLUETOOTH version and


Profile refers to a standard set of capabilities for
various BLUETOOTH product capabilities. See
“Specifications” for details on the supported
BLUETOOTH version and profiles.


ˎTo use a BLUETOOTH device connected to this system,

the device must support the same profile as this system.

Note that the functions of the BLUETOOTH device may be

different depending on the specifications of the device,

even if it has the same profile as this system.

ˎBecause of the properties of BLUETOOTH wireless

technology, playback on this system is slightly delayed

compared with audio playback on the transmitting device.

Effective communication range

BLUETOOTH devices should be used within
approximately 10 meters (unobstructed distance)
of each other. The effective communication
range may become shorter under the following

 When a person, metal object, wall or other

obstruction is between the devices with a

BLUETOOTH connection

 Locations where a wireless LAN is installed
 Around microwave ovens that are in use
 Locations where other electromagnetic

waves occur

Effects of other devices

BLUETOOTH devices and wireless LAN (IEEE
802.11b/g) use the same frequency band (2.4
GHz). When using your BLUETOOTH device
near a device with wireless LAN capability,
electromagnetic interference may occur. This
could result in lower data transfer rates, noise,
or inability to connect. If this happens, try the
following remedies:

 Try connecting this system and BLUETOOTH

mobile phone or BLUETOOTH device when

you are at least 10 meters away from the

wireless LAN equipment.

 Turn off the power to the wireless LAN

equipment when using your BLUETOOTH

device within 10 meters.

Effects on other devices

The radio waves broadcast by this system may
interfere with the operation of some medical
devices. Since this interference may result in
malfunction, always turn off the power on
this system, BLUETOOTH mobile phone and
BLUETOOTH device in the following locations:

 In hospitals, on trains, and in airplanes
 Near automatic doors or fire alarms


ˎThis system supports security functions that comply with

the BLUETOOTH specification as a means of ensuring

security during communication using BLUETOOTH

technology. However, this security may be insufficient

depending on the setting contents and other factors, so

always be careful when performing communication using

BLUETOOTH technology.

ˎSony cannot be held liable in any way for damages

or other loss resulting from information leaks during

communication using BLUETOOTH technology.

ˎBLUETOOTH communication is not necessarily guaranteed

with all BLUETOOTH devices that have the same profile as

this system.

ˎBLUETOOTH devices connected with this system must

comply with the BLUETOOTH specification prescribed

by the BLUETOOTH SIG, Inc., and must be certified to

comply. However, even when a device complies with the

BLUETOOTH specification, there may be cases where the

characteristics or specifications of the BLUETOOTH device

make it impossible to connect, or may result in different

control methods, display or operation.

ˎNoise may occur or the audio may cut off depending on

the BLUETOOTH device connected with this system, the

communications environment, or surrounding conditions.


Amplifier section

(The United States model only)
With 8 ohm loads, both channels driven, from
120 - 10,000 Hz; rated 12 watts per channel
minimum RMS power, with no more than 0.7%
total harmonic distortion from 250 milliwatts to
rated output.
Power output (rated): 16 watts + 16 watts

(at 8 ohms, 1 kHz, 1% THD)

RMS power output (reference): 20 watts +

20 watts (per channel at 8 ohms, 1 kHz)


AUDIO IN (external input) jack:

Stereo mini jack, sensitivity 700 mV, impedance
47 kilohms


USB port: Type A, 5 V DC 1.5 A

CD-DA/MP3 player section

System: Compact disc and digital audio system
Laser Diode Properties

Emission Duration: Continuous
Laser Output*: Less than 44.6 µW
* This output is the value measurement at a

distance of 200mm from the objective lens
surface on the Optical Pick-up Block with 7mm

Frequency response: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio: More than 90 dB
Dynamic range: More than 90 dB

Tuner section

FM tuner section:

FM stereo, FM superheterodyne tuner
Tuning range: 87.5 MHz – 108.0 MHz (100 kHz
Antenna: FM lead antenna

Antenna terminals:

75 ohms unbalanced

Speaker section

Speaker system:
Full-range speaker
Passive radiator
Rated impedance: 8 ohms


Communication system:

BLUETOOTH Standard version 3.0


BLUETOOTH Standard Power Class 2

Maximum communication range:

Line of sight approx. 10 m


Frequency band:

2.4 GHz band (2.4000 GHz - 2.4835 GHz)

Modulation method:


Compatible BLUETOOTH profiles



A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile)
AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Profile)

Supported content protection method:

SCMS-T method

Supported codec:

SBC (Sub Band Codec), AAC, aptX

Transmission bandwidth:

20 Hz – 20,000 Hz (with 44.1 kHz sampling)


The actual range will vary depending on

factors such as obstacles between devices,
magnetic fields around a microwave oven,
static electricity, reception sensitivity,
antenna’s performance, operating system,
software application, etc.


BLUETOOTH standard profiles indicate the

purpose of BLUETOOTH communication
between devices.


Power requirements:

AC 120 V, 60 Hz

Power consumption: 24 watts
Dimensions (W/H/D) (incl. projecting parts):

Approx. 385 mm × 178 mm × 81 mm

Mass: Approx. 2.7 kg
Supplied accessories: Remote (RM-AMU197) (1),
CR2025 lithium battery (1), AC power cord (1),
FM lead antenna (1), Operating Instructions (this
manual) (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.

Standby power consumption:0.5 W (all wireless network

ports off)

Networked Standby mode:3 W (all wireless network ports
