Working with digital video – Sony PCG-GRX690K User Manual
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Working with Digital Video
The multimedia software preinstalled on your VAIO
computer makes it easy to import and edit videos from a compatible
digital video (DV) or MICROMV
camera equipped with an i.LINK
connector. After editing your creations, you can export
them back to your video camera.
With MovieShaker software
, you can arrange your video clips, still images, and sound files yourself into a finished
movie, or let the Shake function use the files you've selected to create a polished video for you by automatically combining
your video clips, still images, and sound with video effects and transitions.
DVgate software
offers advanced and powerful video import and export features, as well as precise editing. DVgate
software provides complete control over all aspects of capturing, editing, and exporting digital video.
Selected VAIO
computer models also include Adobe
LE software
, a popular video editing application that
is both powerful and easy to use. For more information about this software, refer to the online Help for Adobe Premiere LE.
Whichever software you choose, the basic process of importing, editing, and exporting is the same.
The Video Editing Process
Connect a compatible digital video (DV) or MICROMV camera to your computer using an i.LINK
Start the video editing software.
Use the video editing software to capture video clips from the DV camera.
Use the video editing software to assemble the clips into a finished movie.
Use the video editing software to export the finished movie back to the video camera.
You can also save finished movies to your hard disk drive for use on the World Wide Web, to send to others by e-mail, or to
distribute on CD-ROM (on computer models that include a CD-recording device).
M I C RO M V c ameras are not s upported on C 1 -s eries notebook models .
i.LI N K is a trademark of Sony us ed to des ignate that a produc t c ontains an I E E E 1 3 9 4 c onnec tion. T he i.LI N K c onnec tion may vary, depending on the
s oftware applic ations , operating s ys tem, and i.LI N K devic es . A ll produc ts with an i.LI N K c onnec tion may not c ommunic ate with eac h other. P leas e refer to
the doc umentation that c ame with your i.LI N K devic e for information on operating c onditions and proper c onnec tion. Before c onnec ting c ompatible i.LI N K P C
peripherals to your s ys tem, s uc h as a C D-RW or hard dis k drive, c onfirm their operating s ys tem c ompatibility and required operating c onditions .
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