Page 17

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Transport and storage:

Always store the coolant hoses, freezing jaws and reducing inserts in the housing provided.

Only store in a dust free environment at temperatures between -10°C to 35°C.

Protect against impact and vibration.


Function of the unit



The ROFROST ECO freezing system must be tempered, i.e. have adopted room temperature

when stored in hot conditions.

The pipe work system to be worked on must be shut down completely so the water in the

pipe is static and at room temperature.

Position the ROFROST ECO in such a way that the equipment ventilator fans do not blow
warm air onto the pipes to be frozen.

Whenever possible, shield the main controller from direct sunlight and extremes of ambient
heat to ensure maximum efficiency during freezing process.
Please note
Always leave the lid open during the freezing process and make sure the air ventilation grills
are not blocked, as maximum air circulation is essential for optimum performance!

The ROFROST ECO is a “contact freezing unit”. The performance of the unit can only be
guaranteed if there is maximum heat-conducting contact between the freezing jaws and the

pipes. Paint, grease, dirt and other contamination between the jaws and the pipe will extend
freezing times, ideally the pipe to be frozen should be cleaned and polished back to bare metal.

Only apply the freeze jaws to straight pipe sections. Badly distorted, damaged or bent pipes

are not suitable for freezing.


Application and replacement of the tools

The freezer jaws are designed for pipes with an exterior diameter of
The special reducing inserts are required in order to also be able to
freeze pipes of a smaller diameters.

Spread heat-conducting paste generously on the contact surfaces

between the freezer jaw, reducing inserts and the pipes to avoid
insulation bridges.

Please note: Heat-conductive paste must always be used for guaranteed performance!
Important information:
The freezer jaws and pipes must be protected against draughts during
the freezing process!

Handle the reducing inserts and freezer jaws with care. Clean them with a dry cloth after use

and store them in the appropriate socket in the control case to protect against damage.
Never allow the freezer jaws to drop, this will damage sensitive electronic



The ROFROST ECO is a compact ready-to-plug unit. It works using electronic technology which is
kept cool by a circulating Water/Glycol coolant. The final temperature at the freezer jaws is

determined by the coolant temperature and the size of the pipe being frozen. Trouble free,
continuous operation for hours or days is possible under supervision and within the prescribed
ambient temperature range between 0°C and 25°C and voltage / frequency in accordance with
the technical data.

Select the correct size pipe reducers for pipes, other than 22mm, and apply thermal contact

paste to all surfaces. Place the jaws around the Pipes to be frozen and apply hand pressure to
ensure good contact is made. For single pipe freezing always use the left hand “Jaw1.