Simplex, 1000 series – Assa Simplex Mechanical Pushbutton Locks User Manual
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1000 Series
The 1000 family offers a tried and true way to
protect your assets. The heavy-duty locks
in this family are dependable, reliable, and flexible
enough to fit any security need in airports,
apartment buildings, college dorms, or manu-
facturing plants. Choose from knobs, levers,
exit devices, exit PIN code locks, and a variety
of other model features in this diverse family of locks.
3000 and 3100 Series
Narrow Stile Commercial Locks
Simplex narrow stile heavy-duty commercial
locks, the 3000 and the 3100, provide the perfect
security answer for narrow stile glass door
entryways. A simple keyless option great for
shops or banks, the locks come with optional
key override and passage. The remote electric
release model is a great solution for receptionists
granting access to visitors by pressing a
button at his / her desk.
n i c a l P u s h b u t t o n L o c k s