Light commercial and residential locks – Assa Simplex Mechanical Pushbutton Locks User Manual

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Light Commercial

and Residential Locks



complete line of Simplex


light commercial and residential

locks provide the same added security

features you find in our complete

line of heavy-duty locks.

The 900 series’ unique teardrop

shape mounts above your existing lock or can be used alone to provide quick,

keyless entry for commercial or residential applications. The 7100 and 6200

series can also be used alone, or with another lock in residential applications.

Optional model features include spring latch, deadbolt, key override, and panic

exit device. The rugged all-metal construction is weather resistant, providing

added strength and durability.

S i m p l e x M e c h a n i c a l P u s h b u t t o n L o c k s


