Assa Simplex Mechanical Pushbutton Locks User Manual

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Security—without the headache

of key management.

Issuing, replacing and controlling keys can be a headache for both large and

small facilities. Kaba’s




mechanical pushbutton locks eliminate those

headaches by using a PIN code instead of keys for access by all authorized

users. One code — that’s all you have to remember or keep up with — nothing

tangible like a key or magnetic card, no batteries to replace in the lock, and no

software or computers to control the lock’s operation.

Simple as 1-2-3.

PIN codes are made up of any combination of one to five numbers (pressed

individually or simultaneously). The locks allow thousands of possible

PIN code combinations. PIN codes are quickly and easily changed

without removing the lock from the door. Eliminates normal expense

associated with the issue, control, and collection of keys and magnetic cards.

All buildings, large or small.

Mechanical pushbutton locks are a great solution for controlling access

between public and private areas. The locks are ideal for locations with regular

personnel turnover, like data processing centers, employee entrances,

research labs, apartment complexes, and dormitories. They perform nicely in

conjunction with other security access systems, or as stand-alone security

alternatives in smaller building applications.


S i m p l e x M e c h a n i c a l P u s h b u t t o n L o c k s

