Simplex, 5000 series – Assa Simplex Mechanical Pushbutton Locks User Manual
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5000 Series
The latest addition to the line of mechanical
pushbutton locks, the Simplex 5000 offers
unparalleled strength, convenience,
and flexibility. This extra heavy-duty lock contains internal
drive parts of cast stainless steel and a clutch-free direct-drive design.
Buttons are easy to press, and its sleek design will fit nicely with any
existing décor. Designed for simplest installation possible, non-handed
design fits both left and right hand doors — handing changes in seconds.
Kaba backs the Simplex 5000 with a three-year warranty.
S i m p l e x M e c h a n i c a l P u s h b u t t o n L o c k s