En mixing – Spektrum SPM4000C DX4S User Manual

Page 12

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The DX4S features a Steer Mix, Brake Mix and two programmable mixes (Mix A and Mix B).

Steer Mix

Use the Steer Mix for vehicles requiring either four-wheel steering (4WS) or dual steering
servos (Dual ST).

NOTICE: Before driving a model, always do a check of the transmitter’s control of the vehicle
with the vehicle’s wheels off the ground.

Mix Options

1. Select AX1 or AX2 as the slave channel. Aux1 and Aux2 can only be assigned to one mix

at a time. If Aux1 or Aux 2 is assigned to another mix, it will not be available as a slave
channel option.

2. Adjust the A Value. The value shown is the percentage of slave channel input compared

to master channel input.

For example, 100% means the slave channel movement is equal to the master channel

movement. If you adjust the value to 50%, the slave channel moves half as far as the

master channel. A negative value means the mix moves in the opposite direction.

4WS (4-Wheel Steering)

Trim: Act or Inh (Default). When Trim is Active, adjustments to the steering trim affect both front and rear steering channels.

Switch: You may assign the 4WS mix to a switch, enabling a B Value in the mix. Assigning the 4WS mix to a switch is valuable
when you want to assign rear steering values for different conditions. For example, you may use a smaller rear steer value when the
vehicle is moving faster. When the vehicle is moving slowly, use the switch to select the larger rear steer value and increase steering
ability. You can also set one of the mix values to 0% if you want to turn the mix off.

Dual ST (Dual Steering)
Trim: Act (Default) or Inh. We recommend activating the Trim, as it adjusts the trim for both the left and right steering servos. If
you need to make small adjustments to the individual servos, you can do so in the Sub-Trim menu.

Switch: You may assign the Dual ST mix to a switch, enabling a B Value in the mix. Assigning the Dual ST mix to a switch is valu-
able when you want to assign dual steer values for different conditions. For example, you may use a smaller value when the vehicle is
moving faster. When the vehicle is moving slowly, use the switch to select the larger value and increase steering ability. You can also
set one of the mix values to 0% if you want to turn the mix off.

Brake Mix

Use the Brake Mix on large scale vehicles that require separate front and rear brake servos.
The mix value creates brake bias between the front and rear brakes. Assigning the Brake Mix
to a switch enables you to adjust the mix value from any screen.

1. Select AX1 or AX2 as the Slave channel. If Aux 1 or Aux 2 is assigned to another mix, it

will not be available as a Slave channel option.

2. Adjust the Brake Mix Value to establish the brake bias between the front and rear brakes.

Switch: You may assign the the Brake Mix to a switch. Assigning the Brake Mix to a
switch enables you to adjust the brake bias from any screen.