Spektrum SPM4100 DX4R PRO Addendum User Manual

Dx4r pro, Raceware, Technology

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Spektrum DX4r prO • tranSmitter inStructiOn manual


4-Channel 2.4GHz DSMR™ System


Firmware Update Version 1.3: Active Vehicle Control


) Technology

Visit to download the latest RaceWare Firmware version.

Created 3/14 44676 SPM4100
©2014 Horizon Hobby, LLC

RaceWare, DSMR, Active Vehicle Control and AVC are trademarks of Horizon Hobby, LLC.

The Spektrum trademark is used with permission of Bachmann Industries, Inc.

The SD Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.

Active vehicle control (Avc)


• ST Gain
• TH Gain
• Priority
1. Select AVC from the LIST menu.
2. Change the State field to ACT .
3. Adjust the st Gain and/or th Gain sensitivity

The default value is 0% (ST Gain and TH Gain OFF).
As the value increases, the AVC steering stability and
throttle management increases.
Adjust the ST Gain until you reach the ideal amount of
steering control. If the front wheels begin to shake, the ST
Gain value is too high. Reduce the ST Gain value until the
front wheels stop shaking. You can assign ST Gain and TH
Gain to the same switch, enabling you to adjust both values
at the same time.

4. switch: Assigning ST Gain and TH Gain to a switch enables

you to adjust the sensitivity without using the AVC menu.
ST GAIN and TH GAIN can be assigned to the same switch
to adjust both simultaneously.

5. Adjust the steering priority

The Priority default value is 0%, meaning AVC is active when
the steering is close to center. As you turn the steering wheel
away from center (neutral), the transmitter controls have
priority over the AVC system. Increasing the Priority value
decreases how active AVC is as the steering wheel is turned
left and right. For example, if you increase Priority to 80%,
you reduce the AVC steering control by 80% at full left or
full right steering. Increasing the Steering Priority enables
you to make tighter turns.

AVC Screen

ST Gain when active
drives the

Aux 1

TH Gain when active
drives the

Aux 2

Priority adjusts

ST Gain

based on the steering input

List Menu

If AVC is active, only two channels, Steering and Throttle,
are operational. The Aux channels can be used to power
a personal transponder or lights.
If AVC is disabled (see Disabling the Stability Assist
Function to disable AVC), the Aux channels will operate
as servo channels. Aux channels are not available for
use in mixes when AVC is active.