Samsung SWGQ105SV-XAR User Manual
Page 107

August 31, 2001
Owner’s Record
well. Although some research has been done to
address these questions, no clear picture of the
biological effects of this type of radiation has
emerged to date. Thus, the available science does
not allow us to conclude that mobile phones are
absolutely safe, or that they are unsafe. However,
the available scientific evidence does not
demonstrate any adverse health effects associated
with the use of mobile phones.
What kinds of phones are in question?
Questions have been raised about hand-held
mobile phones, the kind that have a built-in
antenna that is positioned close to the user’s head
during normal telephone conversation. These
types of mobile phones are of concern because of
the short distance between the phone’s antenna--
the primary source of the RF--and the person’s
head. The exposure to RF from mobile phones in
which the antenna is located at greater distances
from the user (on the outside of a car, for
example) is drastically lower than that from hand-
held phones, because a person’s RF exposure
decreases rapidly with distance from the source.
The safety of so-called “cordless phones,” which
have a base unit connected to the telephone
wiring in a house and which operate at far lower
power levels and frequencies, has not been
How much evidence is there that hand-held
mobile phones might be harmful?
Briefly, there is not enough evidence to know for
sure, either way; however, research efforts are on-
going. The existing scientific evidence is
conflicting and many of the studies that have been
done to date have suffered from flaws in their