Campbell Scientific TDRSDK Software Developement Kit User Manual

Page 7

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TDRSDK Software Development Kit for TDR100


3.1 Commands for error codes, serial port control, call-back

and state machine queries

1. ReadErrorCode

Allows the calling application to get an error string by specifying the API
function number, and error code. This is used to determine reason for error on
failure of a DLL command.

int ReadErrorCode(int apiNumber, int errCode, char errStr, int strSiz)


apiNumber: API function number

errCode: return non-zero value from each API function

errStr: describes Error in a string

strSiz: buffer size for errStr.

Return Codes:

0 = Success

1 = Unknown Error Code

2. SetCommPort

Allows the calling application to specify the communications port and the
communication baud rate. The comm port values are limited to those available
on the machine. The baud rate is limited to 9600bps, 19200bps, or 57600bps.
The default baud rate value is 57600bps. Changing baud rate requires
repositioning jumpers inside TDR100. See TDR100 Operating Manual.

int SetCommPort(short portNbr, int baudRate)


portNbr: Communications port number, i.e. 1 for Com1


Communications baud rate, i.e. 57600

Return Codes:

0 = Success

1 = Parameter out of Range

3. CloseCommPort

Allows the calling application to close the current communications port
previously opened using ‘SetCommPort’;

int CloseCommPort

Parameters: None

Return Codes:

0 = Success




4. RegCallBack

Allows the calling application to register a call-back procedure with the DLL.
This call-back procedure will allow the DLL to notify the calling application
when a command response is received from the TDR100. The call-back
procedure will have parameters to report command type and success/failure.
The procedure cannot be an object method. This method does not work with
VB or VBA. See examples.

int RegCallBack (int cmdType, int errCode))