Campbell Scientific TDRSDK Software Developement Kit User Manual
Page 13

TDRSDK Software Development Kit for TDR100
23. GetCalVoltage
Allows calling application to get TDR100 calibration voltage value stored in
DLL. This command, if successful will return a floating point variable
containing the value.
int GetCalVoltage(float pValue)
pValue: Pointer to a floating point variable.
Return Codes:
0 = Success
24. ReqConductivity
Allows calling application to request the TDR100 bulk electrical conductivity
measurement. When transaction is complete, the call-back procedure will be
called (if required), or the state machine can be monitored to detect completion.
If no error occurred, current ‘Conductivity’ value will be available from the
DLL and can be retrieved using the GetConductivity (#25) API call. Result:
TDR100 sends the conductivity value to the DLL.
int ReqConductivity
Parameters: None
Return Code:
0 = Success
25. GetConductivity
Allows calling application to get TDR100 measured bulk electrical
conductivity value stored in DLL. This command, if successful will return a
floating point variable containing the value.
int GetConductivity(float pValue)
pValue: Pointer to floating point variable
Return Codes:
0 = Success
28. ReqLastDeri
Allows calling application to request the most recently calculated derivative
waveform stored in TDR100. This derivative is calculated from the most
recent waveform data. When transaction is complete, the call-back procedure
will be called (if required), or the state machine can be monitored to detect
completion. If no error occurred, the last derivative’ will be available from the
DLL and can be retrieved using the GetDeriWF (#29) API call. Result: The
last derivative acquired by the TDR100 will be sent to the DLL.
int ReqLastDeri
Return Code:
0 = Success