Ov4.3 programming sequence, Ov4.4 instruction format – Campbell Scientific TD Operating System Addendum for CR510, CR10X, and CR23X User Manual

Page 10

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TABLE OV4.2-2. Additional Keys Allowed in





Change Sign, Index (same as C)


Enter/advance (same as A)


In routine applications, the CR10X measures
sensor output signals, processes the
measurements over some time interval and
stores the processed results. A generalized
programming sequence is:


Enter the execution interval. In most cases,
the execution interval is determined by the
desired sensor scan rate.


Enter the Input/Output instructions required
to measure the sensors.


If processing in addition to that provided by
the Output Processing Instructions (step 5)
is required, enter the appropriate
Processing Instructions.


Enter the Data Table Instruction 84 to test
the output condition and output when the
condition is met. For example, use

Instruction 84 to output based on time.

Instruction 84 to output every execution

Instruction 84 to output based on a
Program Flag.

This instruction must precede the Output
Processing Instructions which store data in
a Data Storage Table. Instructions are
described in Sections 9 through 12.


Enter the Output Processing Instructions to
store processed data in the Data Storage
Table. The order in which data are stored
is determined by the order of the Output
Processing Instructions in the table.


Repeat steps 4 through 6 for additional
outputs on different intervals or conditions.

NOTE: The program must be executed for
output to occur. Therefore, the interval
specified with the Data Table Instruction is
set must be evenly divisible by the execution
interval. For example, with a 2 minute
execution interval and a 5 minute output
interval, the program will only be executed
on the even multiples of the 5 minute
intervals, not on the odd. Data will be output
every 10 minutes instead of every 5 minutes.

Execution intervals are synchronized with
midnight. Output intervals set with Instruction
84 are synchronized with real time starting at
midnight, January 1, 1990.


Instructions are identified by an instruction
number. Each instruction has a number of
parameters that give the CR10X the information
it needs to execute the instruction.

The CR10X Prompt Sheet has the instruction
numbers in red, with the parameters briefly
listed in columns following the description.
Some parameters are footnoted with further
description under the "Instruction Option Codes"

For example, Instruction 73 stores the
maximum value that occurred in an Input
Storage location over the output interval. The
instruction has three parameters (1)
REPetitionS, the number of sequential Input
Storage locations on which to find maxima, (2)
TIME, an option of storing the time of
occurrence with the maximum value, and (3)
LOC the first Input Storage location operated on
by the Maximum Instruction. The codes for the
TIME parameter are listed in the "Instruction
Option Codes".

The repetitions parameter specifies how many
times an instruction's function is to be repeated.
For example, four 107 thermistor probes may be
measured with a single Instruction 11, Temp-107,
with four repetitions. Parameter 2 specifies the
input channel of the first thermistor (the probes
must be connected to sequential channels).
Parameter 4 specifies the Input Storage location in
which to store measurements from the first
thermistor. If location 5 were used and the first
probe was on channel 1, the temperature of the
thermistor on channel 1 would be stored in input