Notes, Com return values, Advisor.startfilemarkno – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet Server SDK User Manual

Page 137: Name, Description, Valid values, Default value

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Section 18. CsiDataSource Control Reference


This property can be read at any time but can only be set when the state of the
property is advisorStopped.

COM Return Values

Table of Possible Values

Code Meaning

Success: Normal return.


Error: The Advisor is started and already accessing the
LoggerNet server data



Advisor.startFileMarkNo As Long


In conjunction with startRecordNo, this property specifies the first record to be
sent when the value of startOption is equal to csidsStartAtRecordId. The file
mark number in an internal tag used by LoggerNet that is applied to each
record. The file mark number is assigned to each record by the LoggerNet
server and used in combination with the record ID to create a unique key for
each record.

Valid Values

Any integer from 0 to 2147483647 inclusive is a valid value.

Default Value

The default value for this property is 0.


This property can be read at any time but can only be set when the state of the
property is advisorStopped.

COM Return Values

Table of Possible Values

Code Meaning


Success: Normal return.


Error: Cannot write to property. Advisor is running.
Disconnect first with stop
