Campbell Scientific GPS16X-HVS GPS Receiver User Manual
Page 20

GPS16X-HVS GPS Receiver
the same as used to communicate with the datalogger. Terminal emulation
software is common. Hyperterm is supplied as part of Windows ™ and works.
Procomm ™ is another communication software package that works well.
Set up the software for the correct serial port, 38.4 kbps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
and no parity. Flow control should be none. Using the SC110 cable, connect
the GPS16X-HVS to the computer serial port. Power up the GPS16X-HVS.
The GPS antenna should have a clear view of the sky. Don’t expect the GPS
antenna to work indoors. The $GPGGA and GPRMC strings should be
displayed once a second. Make sure the $GPGGA string is showing a valid
GPS fix. A valid GPS fix will display time, position and have a GPS quality
number greater than zero.
SC110 Cable Connections
GPS16X Receiver
SC110/Sockets or DB9/Sockets to Pigtails
Pin 2
Black and Yellow
Pin 5 (shares power ground)
6.2 NMEAStrings Variable Populated, but Clock Not Setting
Look at the GPSReady variable. It will increment from 0 to 10 when the
datalogger has received good GPRMC strings and a synchronized PPS signal.
Once GPSReady reaches 10, the datalogger will begin to use GPS time for
clock setting. The 12th value populated in GPSArray indicates elapsed time
since a GPRMC string was received and should not exceed 1. If the GPRMC
string is being received and GPSReady remains at zero, the PPS signal is not
being received by the datalogger.