Figures – Campbell Scientific Bowen Ratio Instrumentation User Manual

Page 4

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Bowen Ratio Table of Contents



1.2-1. Vapor Measurement System............................................................. 1-3
1.2-2. Thermocouple Configuration............................................................ 1-4
2-1. CSI Bowen Ratio System .................................................................... 2-2
2.2-1. Placement of Thermocouples and Heat Flux Plates ......................... 2-3
2.2-2. TCAV Spatial Averaging Thermocouple Probe.............................. 2-4
2.3. A block diagram for the connections between the datalogger,

the BR relay driver and components, and the external battery ................ 2-6

2.4-1. Terminal Strip Adapters for Connections to Battery ........................ 2-7
2.7-1. DEW 10 Circuit Board ..................................................................... 2-9
B-1. 023 Bowen Ratio Vapor Measurement System with Three

Flowmeters ............................................................................................. B-1