Matrix Orbital LK202-25 Legacy User Manual
Page 6
LK202-25 Command Set
Write Text
This section of the manual allows the user to send commands to the LK to alter the appearance or behavior of the display.
To utilize a command, the user must send a command prefix followed by the command in the format described in this
portion of the manual. Any characters sent without a command prefix will be interpreted as text and will be displayed on
the module at the current cursor position. The current cursor position will be incremented for each character received.
Please note that unless line wrap is turned on, the text will follow the memory map of the module.
The command set discusses in detail what the LK's capabilities of and how to execute each command. The basic format of
all the commands listed in this segment that do not require parameters is:
For commands that do require parameters however the format is as follows:
All commands are prefixed by the command 0xFE, Hex FE, Decimal 254
Set I²C Address
ASCII '3', Hex 33, Decimal 51
Syntax 0xFE 0x33
To write the I²C address of the module, send a command prefix followed by the character '3', followed by a write address.
This command sets the I²C write address of the module. This value must be an even number and the read address is one
higher. For example if the I²C write address is set to 0x50, then the read address is 0x51. The change in address is immedi-
ate. This address is 0x50 by default, and is reset temporarily back to that value when the "Manual Over-ride" jumper is used
on power up. Refer to the Appendix for more details.
Set Serial Number
ASCII '4', Hex 34, Decimal 52
Syntax 0xFE 0x34
To set the serial number of the module, send a command prefix followed by the character '4', followed by two values
defining the first and second serial byte. This command sets the two byte serial number of the module. Upon the execution
of this command, the module will echo these two bytes back over the RS-232 interface. The serial number may be set only
once. Any future attempt to execute this command will result in no change and the module will return to the originally set
serial number.
Read Serial Number
ASCII '5', Hex 35, Decimal 53
Syntax 0xFE 0x35
To read the serial number, send a command prefix followed by the character ‘5’. This command will return, over the RS-
232 interface, the serial number of the module as it was previously stored.
Read Version Number
ASCII '6', Hex 36, Decimal 54
Syntax 0xFE 0x36
To read the version number send a command prefix followed by the character '6'. This command will return, over the RS-
232 interface, the firmware revision number of the module as it is stored.