Mogd, Application notes – Matrix Orbital GLK24064-25 Legacy User Manual
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The Matrix Orbital Graphic Display interface, MOGD#, is offered as a free download from the support site. It provides a simple graphical interface that allows settings, fonts,
and bitmaps to be easily customised for any application.
While monotone bitmaps can easily be created in virtually any image editing program, MOGD# provides
an extensive font generation quite to stylize your display to any project design. In addition to standard
font wide modifications, character ranges can be specified by start and end values to eliminate unused
symbols, and individual glyphs can be modified with a double click. Finally, text spacing can be tailored
and a complete font library built with your Matrix Orbital graphic display.
Like uProject, MOGD# offers a scripting capability that provides the ability to stack, run, and save a
series of commands. The most basic function is the Send Numeric tool which is used to transmit a string
of values to the display to write text or execute a command.
Figure 9: MOGD# Command Example
Again, the clear screen command is sent to a connected display, this time using the MOGD# Send
Numeric function command style. Scripts can be run as a whole using the Play button from the toolbar
or as single commands by selecting Step; once executed it must be Reset. Before issuing commands, it is
a good idea to ensure communication with a display is successful using the autodetect button.
This program provides both a staging areas for your graphics display and a proving ground that will
prepare it for any application environment.
Application Notes
Full demonstration programs and code are available for Matrix Orbital displays in the C# language from
Simple C# AppNote Pack in the Matrix Orbital Application Note section at
advanced with the Dallas One-Wire temperature reading application.
Many additional applications are available in a number of different programming languages. These
programs are meant to showcase the capability of the display and are not intended to be integrated into
a final design. For additional information regarding code, please read the On Code document also found
on the support site.