Aalborg SDPROCs User Manual
Page 26

e.3.7.2 Setup Gas Density Display
The proper settings of the gas density (in grams per liter) are required for mass based
engineering units (LBPH, LBPM, GrPH, GrPM). Press the ENTER button under (--->)
on the display, to move the flashing cursor to the desired position. Pressing (+) or (-)
will increment or decrement a particular digit respectively. The numbers will change
from 0 to 9 and next to the decimal point (.). Pressing the (+) button one more time
will change the highlighted position of the cursor back to 0. The same is true in reverse:
when pressing the (-) button. Only one decimal point is allowed. If changing the posi-
tion of the decimal point is required, change the decimal point to any desired digit, then
move the cursor to the required position and adjust it to the decimal point with (+) or
(-) button.
When complete with gas density settings, press the ESC button under NEXT on the dis-
play, to go to the Engineering Units screen. The following Setup Engineering Units
Display will appear.
e.3.7.3 Setup Engineering Units Display
Press the UP or DN button, to change current engineering units. The following engi-
neering units are supported: %F.S., SLPM, SLPH, SCCM, SCCH, SCFM, SCFH, SCMM,
SCMH, LBPM, LBPH, GRPM, GRPH. If no more settings are required, press the ENTER
button under EXIT on the display, to go back to the Main Display. Press the ENTER but-
ton under NEXT on the display in order to go to the Full Scale Flow Rate screen. The
following Setup Full Scale Flow Rate Display will appear.
e.3.7.4 Setup Full Scale Flow Rate Display
The proper settings of the Full Scale Flow Rate (in liters per minute) are required for
any engineering units except % F.S. If for example a mass flow controller used with
channel #3 of the SDPROC is calibrated for 200 SCCM, the value of 0.2 has to be set.
Press the ENTER button under (--->) on the display, to move the flashing cursor to the
digit, which has to be adjusted. Pressing (+) or (-) will increment or decrement a par-
ticular digit respectively. The numbers will change from 0 to 9 and next to the decimal
point (.). Pressing the (+) button one more time will change the highlighted position
of the cursor back to 0. The same is true in reverse, when pressing the (-) button. Only
one decimal point is allowed. If changing the position of the decimal point is required,