Buffered mode, Related documents – MagTek P-SERIES User Manual
Page 9

Section 1. Features and Specifications
“Inquiry Command” by sending status characters. The inquiry command that requests the
transmission of status characters is the ESCAPE (ESC - 0x1B) character followed by “I” (0x49).
Buffered Mode
When a card is inserted and removed, a read attempt is made during both insertion and removal.
Upon removal of the card if the read is successful, data (including the two sentinel characters) is
stored in a memory buffer on the Reader and is not transmitted until the Reader receives an
“Inquiry Command” from the host. This command is the ESCAPE character followed “I”. The
data is not available until the rear sensor is unblocked. The Reader cannot read another card
until the buffer is cleared. To clear the buffer, the Host must transmit the ESCAPE character
followed by “R”.
MagTek 99875125
The MagTek Device Drivers for Windows, Part Number
30037385, may be used with the P-Series Port Powered Insertion
Reader. The title of the manual is MagTek Device Drivers For
Windows Programming Reference Manual.
The P-Series Port Powered Insertion Reader will read cards that meet the standards defined by
ISO (International Standards Organization):
ISO 7811
Identification Cards - Mag-stripe Cards, Tracks 1-3
ISO 7810
Identification Cards - Physical Specifications (ID-1 Cards)
Available from ANSI: 212-642-4900, www.ansi.org