RME DSP System Multiface User Manual
Page 55

User's Guide HDSP System Multiface II
25.13 Menu Options
Always on Top: When active (checked) the TotalMix window will always be on top of the Win-
dows desktop.
Note: This function may result in problems with windows containing help text, as the TotalMix
window will even be on top of those windows, so the help text isn't readable.
Deactivate Screensaver: When active (checked) any activated Windows screensaver will be
disabled temporarily.
Ignore Position: When active, the windows size and position stored in a file or preset will not
be used. The routing will be activated, but the window will not change.
Ignore I/O Labels: When active the channel names saved in a preset or file will not be loaded,
instead the current ones will be retained.
ASIO Direct Monitoring (Windows only): When de-activated any ADM commands will be
ignored by TotalMix. In other words, ASIO Direct Monitoring is globally de-activated.
Link Faders: Selecting this option all faders will be treated as stereo pairs and moved pair-
wise. Hotkey L.
MS Processing: Macro for a quick configuration of routing and phase for Mid/Side encoding
and decoding. See chapter 27.7.
Level Meter Setup: Configuration of the Level Meters. Hotkey F2. See chapter 25.15.
Level Meter Text Color: Colour adjustment for the Gain and Level meter text displays. Default:
Hue 110, Saturation 225, Brightness 135.
Preferences: Opens a dialog box to configure several functions, like Pan Law, Dim, Talkback
Dim, Listenback Dim. See chapter 25.10.
Enable MIDI Control: Turns MIDI control on. The channels which are currently under MIDI
control are indicated by a colour change of the info field below the faders, black turns to yellow.
Deactivate MIDI in Background: Disables the MIDI control as soon as another application is in
the focus, or in case TotalMix has been minimized.
Lock Mixer: Opens a dialog box for password entry. Changes on the mixer have no effect any-
more until the mixer is unlocked in the same way, by entering the password a second time. The
password is stored unencrypted in the registry (Windows: Software, RME, hdspmix, Password).
Undo Load Preset: Turns the mixer state back to the state before the last preset was loaded.
This function helps to get back the last mixer setup that was accidentally destroyed by uninten-
tionally loading a preset.
25.14 Menu Fader Groups
TotalMix supports 4 different fader groups. Usage:
- Select faders by clicking on the white name label (turns yellow)
- In the menu click on Define – Group X. The level meters below the faders now show GrpX.
- Any group can be activated and deactivated in the menu Activate
- Any group can be deleted in the menu Delete