Rocketraid series controller bios utility, 1 bios settings overview, 4 .1 b i os s et t i n g s ov e rv i ew – HighPoint RocketRAID 2720C2 User Manual

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RocketRAID Series Controller BIOS Utility

The RocketRAID series controller will display its BIOS screen during the system's boot process.
The BIOS Utility will display information about hard drives attached to the adapter. Make sure all
attached drives are detected by this utility. If any of the hard drives are not detected, power down the
system and check the power and cable connections.

P r e s s t h e “ C t r l + H ” k e y c o mb i n a t i o n t o a c c e s s t h e c o n t r o l l e r ’ s B I O S

U t i l i t y .

4.1 BIOS Settings Overview

The RocketRAID controller BIOS utility is an interface that provides management commands and
controller related settings.