Rosendahl bonsaiLAN User Manual
Page 9

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PAL (or NTSC) video signals have always the same resolution of 720
x 576 pixels (720 x 486 for NTSC). But it is possible to use this same
pixel resolution also to display 16:9 formats which is called
anamorphic PAL.
Most video monitor can be configured to display PAL or NTSC video
signals also as 16:9.
When you export an uncompressed PAL or NTSC movie to
QuickTime you can also define the desired display mode in the
QuickTime header.
Menu 046 lets you select 4:3 or 16:9 display modes.
As described in the QuickTime chapter of this manual all files which
are transfered to the bonsaiLAN module must comply with the
QuickTime uncompressed codec as well as the QuickTime header
Independent of this the bonsaiDRIVE itself can store the received
video in two quality levels which are LOSSLESS or LOW-RES
causing different diskspace consumption.
See also bonsaiDRIVE Instruction Manual MENU 018 VIDEO
RECORD FORMAT page 32 for more informations about the two
bonsaiDRIVE quality levels.
MENU 045 allows you to select the bonsaiDRIVE import format for
file imports independent of the RECORD FORMAT in MENU 018
which sets the format for local recordings separately.
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If the QuickTime movie you import has just 2 tracks of audio it will be
allocated to the bonsaiDRIVE 2TRK audio as well as to channels 1-2
of the bonsaiDRIVE 8TRK audio section. Accordingly a four, six or
eight track movie will create a copy of the first two channels on the
2TRK section.
Ten QuickTime audio channels are assigned to 8TRK 1-8 and
channel 9-10 to the 2TRK section.
PAL and NTSC are interlaced video standards and each frame
consists of two fields. Quicktime stores only complete frames where
the two fields are “mixed” alternating in the odd and even lines.
NTSC defines the lower field (even lines) and PAL the upper field
(odd lines) as temporary first field (default setting).
In some situations it can be necessary to swap the fields temporary.
For example when you convert a PAL DV video to uncompressed it
becomes lower field dominant (in the DV compression standard PAL
field dominance has been defined wrong and has never been
corrected to keep it downward compatible to already existing DV
Also 480 lines NTSC signals (standard is 486 lines) are sometimes
upper field dominant.
A wrong field dominance creates extremely flickering video and will
be detected by any viewer immediately.