Rosendahl bonsaiLAN User Manual
Page 6

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FTP differs active and passive modes to open a data port. The
bonsaiLAN FTP server supports both methods.
When you have configured your connection please connect to the
bonsaiLAN FTP server.
A list of quicktime files of all clips recorded on your bonsaiDRIVE with
filesize as uncompressed quicktime movie will appear. Since the
bonsaiDRIVE does not have a realtime clock as a computer it is not
possible to timestamp recordings. Therefore all files are shown with
the default date (01.01.2008).
To copy a file from the bonsaiDRIVE and your computer, some FTP
client programs allow just “drag & drop,” others use two directory
windows with move buttoms in-between.
The bonsaiLAN module works completely independently and can
upload or download QuickTime files while the bonsaiDRIVE is
recording or playing back the same or any other clip on the shared
The bonsaiDRIVE playback or record process thereby has a higher
priority to ensure the machine behaves exactly the same as without
simultaneous file import/ export.
So if you are using the bonsaiDRIVE in operation modes which
require high disk performance (as fast forward for example) this can
slow down the file transfer process which shares the harddisk of
Simultaneous standard play operation will not much speed down the
file transfer process.
Because of these limited capabilities of the harddisk the bonsaiLAN
module does simultaneously allow only one user in the network to get
access to the FTP server.
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Some FTP client programs try to open a second control connection
(like a second user) when you start a file transfer which is not
possible with the bonsaiLAN server.
Therefore you have to configure the cyberduck program for example
to “Use browser connection” instead of “Open new connection”.
Example 2: configure a new connection in cyberduck