Rosendahl bonsaiLAN User Manual

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2. IP Address

On top of the physical ethernet layer follows a software layer called
IP (internet protocol).

IP is used to address individual members or groups inside a
computer network.
Each computer in a local network must have its own, unique IP
Two computers with the same IP address within a local network will
cause a network collision.

An IP address consists of four bytes (w.x.y.z), each in the range from
0 to 255. The first two bytes (w.x) are typically 172.16 or 192.168
indicating private nets, followed by a constant (100 for example) and
the numbers 0..255 addressing the individual computers inside the

The IP addresses and are reserved and
must not be used.

All computers inside a LAN (local area network) must have a
common part of the IP address and an individual part of the address.
Therefore a so called subnet mask defines the common part of the
address (a value of 255 masks the whole byte).

Example 1:
Your computer network connection has been configured manually to
the IP address with the subnet address

All other computers in this LAN now also must use the common
(masked) address part 192.168.100 (w.x.y).
The lowest byte of the address in this example 10 (z) is then the
individual, unique IP address part of your computer network adapter.

If you want to connect a bonsaiLAN port to that computer you must
set the IP address also to 192.168.100 together with an individual low

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byte which can be set to any value except 10, because this is already
used by the computer. In our Example we set the bonsaidrive to

To configure the bonsaiLAN IP address select MENU 041 to 044
“LAN IP ADDRESS” to set the four IP address bytes (w.x.y.z) using
the +/- keys.
Note: Network settings in MENU 040 and following are only displayed
when a bonsaiLAN module is installed.

On a windows computer you can configure the IP address manually
as follows:

1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet

Connections, and then click Network Connections.

2. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure, and

then click Properties.

3. On the General tab (for a local area connection click Internet

Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.

4. Click use the following IP address and set the IP address (in our

example to and the subnet mask typically to

If your computer is set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” it
receives its IP address from a so called DHCP server which assigns
IP adresses automatically. In most cases this is handled by a DSL

To get the currently used IP address and subnet mask you must go
to Start , then Run , and type in CMD. In the CMD window type in
ipconfig and press enter.