Andrew OMACS3000 User Manual
Page 34

Rev E
34 of 51
System Screens
error, axis timeout error, current overload fault, resolver fault, and VFD fault. If the cleared error is
persistent, the next MCU status message will reset the fault.
The Save Current Position as Peaked button allows the operator to save the current position in the satellite
table as the peaked position of the base satellite. All three axes – az, el, and pol – are saved and will be
used when the operator selects a satellite and moves to that satellite. The select/move to satellite button on
this screen will move to the satellite selected in the pull down window. Only satellites that have saved
peaked positions will be listed in the pull down window. The saved peak position will also be used for the
position to move to when the operator selects a new base satellite from the satellite table screen.
The Download Position Log to Local Drive button will allow the operator to copy the position log from the
ACS3000 server down to a local drive on the PC. The file will be saved as C:\ACS3000\
The Jog with Arrow Keys panel allows the operator to enable and disable the arrow keys to control az and el
jogging. The arrow keys are defaulted to disabled and will return to disabled when the jog screen is not
displayed. Only while the jog screen is displayed can the arrow keys be enabled for jogging.
The antenna position, beacon level, and UTC time display are provided to show the operator the current
antenna status. The antenna position (azimuth, elevation, and polarization) are updated every 200
milliseconds. The beacon level is updated every 400 milliseconds. The time display is updated every second.
Figure 25: Position/Jog Screen
Tracking Control
The Track Control screen (see Figure 26) allows the operator to select a tracking mode and to enter tracking
parameters. One tracking parameter that is necessary is not chosen from this screen. During initialization, a
base satellite was chosen. That base satellite ID and name is displayed near the top under the UTC time.