Mc Leod Original Street Twin User Manual
Page 3

6) Inspect the crankshaft at this time. Remove any dirt from the crank and clean the pilot hole.
A wire brush can be used. Inspect the pilot bushing; if worn or damaged replace it at this time.
Install flywheel onto crank using high quality crank bolts. Torque bolts to factory specifications.
7) Remove the three small nuts from the floater studs. Be sure the shims do not fall off the studs.
Install the bottom disc with the sticker on the flywheel side to the front.
8) Install the floater onto the studs. Be sure to note the alignment marks. Floater straps must be on
flywheel side. Install the three nuts and tighten to 25 ft. lbs. Check disc clearance at this time. You
should have .020” - .025” clearance. Insert the pilot tool and rotate the disc. There should be a
slight amount of front to back movement. If there is more than .025” clearance the floater will
push the top disc into the pressure plate, resulting in no clutch release. If the clearance is less than
.020” the bottom disc will drag on the flywheel and the floater resulting in no clutch release. If
there is too much or too little clearance you may have dropped some of the shims or placed them
on the wrong stud. Call the factory tech line before you proceed further. If all is correct re-tighten
the three floater nuts on each stud to 25 ft. lbs. Do not use Loctite on these nuts!
9) Install top disc. Be sure the “Flywheel Side” sticker on the disc is to the front. Insert and rotate the
pilot tool all the way into the pilot bushing to align both discs. Remove the nuts from the six large
studs. Do not allow the stands or shims to fall off the studs.
10) Install the pressure plate onto the six studs. Be certain to note the alignment marks. Install lock
washers and then nuts onto the studs and tighten to 35 ft. lbs. Do not use Loctite on these six
pressure plate studs!
11) Complete the bell housing, transmission and driveline installation.
Chrysler Applications: If helper spring is mounted under the dash on the clutch pedal, remove it. Allow
more free play at throw-out bearing than normal. When engaging transmission into reverse from neutral
it should not grind into gear. If grinding occurs there may be insufficient clutch release, caused by too
little throw-out bearing travel.