Manley VOXBOX - MVB 1996 - 2/2000 and MVBX 6/2000 - 4/2003 User Manual

Page 6

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EQ BYPASS: Switching this up engages the EQ section. This is a passive PULTEC MEQ style EQ with
only one capacitor, one inductor (coil or choke) a conductive plastic pot and a gold contact switch in the audio
path for each band of EQ. There are no tubes in the EQ and certainly no ICs or transistors. The tube circuit
is only used for flat, fixed make-up gain and is always in circuit. The EQ is before the de-esser / limiter and
before the tubes.


EQ INPUT: Three inputs are available to feed the EQ / De-esser / Line amp. The LINE IN is a split from
the same LINE IN that can feed the mic preamp section. The PRE O/P is the output of the mic preamp /
compressor section and is not through the output transformer. When using a line input into the compressor,
these two positions allow you to compare compression to no compression without the drop of gain you get
just using the compressor BYPASS switch. The INSERT setting allows yet another line input to feed this
section. It allows you to insert (or bypass) an external device such as a noise gate between the preamp output
and the EQ section. It also allows you to use the VOXBOX for two different tracks. These 3 inputs are
switched with high quality sealed relays near the back panel & transformers for the shortest signal path.


LOW PEAK FREQUENCY: This simply selects the center frequency to be boosted with the LOW PEAK
control. The "Q" or bandwidth is fixed and consistant with the original PULTEC MEQ. There are now 11
positions between 20 Hz and 1 kHz. The settings below 200 are new and were not on PULTEC MEQs. See
page 14 for a few tips if you want.


LOW PEAK: Adjusts between 0 or flat and typically up to 10 dB of maximum boost.


MID DIP FREQUENCY. 11 frequency bands between 200 Hz and 7 kHz (7,000 Hz). 1K5 is "British" for
1,500 hz or 1.5 kilohertz or kilocycles.


MID DIP: Adjusts between 0 (flat) and up to (minus) 10 dB of maximum cut. Many top engineers suggest
that by using cut EQ (mostly from 200 to 1K5) rather than boost reduces phase shift problems and improves
the general clarity and punch. Cutting a bit at 5 or 7 kHz can reduce the resonance of some vocal mics. (It
helps to boost 16 or 20 kHz on the High Peak to compensate for lost brightness.)


HIGH PEAK FREQUENCY: Again 11 positions but from 1,500 Hz (1K5) to 20 kHz. The settings above
5 kHz are new. Some frequencies may cause sibilance problems.


HIGH PEAK: Adjusts between 0 (flat) and up to 10 dB of maximum boost.


DE-ESS BYPASS: Switching up engages the de-esser or limiter. This function is also passive and can be
switched in silently during music!


DE-ESS SELECT: This rotary switch selects frequency band the de-esser will dip or notch. The 3 KHz
position is may be used for occasional de-essing or may help control sounds that tend to "hurt". Our hearing
is most sensitive in that band. The LIMIT position removes the frequency selection and works as a "flat"
electro-optical limiter much like an LA2-A.


THRESHOLD: This sets how loud an "ess" (or transient in Limit) has to be before it can be reduced. Turn
clockwise for more de-essing. Normally we try to make the sibilance natural rather than removing the"esses"
entirely. A good way to set the threshold when limiting is to look at the tape machine peak meters and set
it to prevent overloads.


POWER. The meter will light immediately. There is a relay that mutes the outputs for about 20 seconds after
power is turned on and immediately after power is turned off to prevent "thumps". The LED marked READY
lights when audio can pass. This circuit will ignore quick "blackouts" for live sound work. This feature can
be totally bypassed (or the delay shortened). The VOXBOX should be turned off between sessions - to
extend tube life.