Manley VOXBOX - MVB 1996 - 2/2000 and MVBX 6/2000 - 4/2003 User Manual

Page 16

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This page was added just before Thanksgiving 2000, as we update the manuals and converted them
to PDF format and finally get them up on .

Originally this page was supposed to show some user settings and we invited everybody to
contribute. Nobody did, so this page was blank for 3 years. So now, we can use it for some collected
comments and hints we have had since the introduction and for some info on versions and updates.

The single biggest unexpected rave is from bass players - they want us to rename it "The Bass-Box"
It turns out the VOXBOX is pretty amazing as a direct box for bass. If you haven't tried this yet,
please do. Apparently, the compressor and EQ are voiced well to complement today's bass sounds
and a number of top session bass players carry one around as their only processor.

It also has become a choice piece for some tours as a vocal processor and didn't just end up as a
studio unit. For example, CSNY used 5, one for each voice and one on the vocal sub-mix. After 3
years and countless "vocal channels" and "channel strips" the VOXBOX still seems to be the one to

The only common confusion-call we get has to do with the "EQ INPUT" toggle. (see page 6, item
P). To simplify; the typical most used position for that toggle is the center, which routes the Mic-Pre
/ Compressor into the EQ / Deesser-Limiter. The toggle-up position is for splitting the VOXBOX
into 2 paths and uses "INSERT INPUT" to feed the EQ. The toggle-down position allows the "LINE
INPUT" XLR to feed the EQ directly. Maybe we weren't clear enough originally, maybe some guys
never read manuals, maybe some guys didn't notice it was a 3 position switch.

In the summer of 2000, we made our only requested update for those guys mostly doing spoken
voice-over work who needed more gain and more compression. We changed the Mic Pre circuitry to
allow for more gain by changing a few resistors associated with the"GAIN" switch which reduced
the negative feedback on 2 settings (ser # MVBX 738). This changed the older settings of
"40,42.5,45,47.5,50" to "40,45,50,55,60". We were able to do it at the same time we were having
trouble getting good quiet tubes for that stage which were the industry standard mic pre 6072A.
Sovtek introduced the 12AX7LPS which is generally less noisy and has slightly more gain, and it
works very well as a preamp in the VOXBOX. It also required a few resistor changes at the plates of
the 12AX7LPS. The old R values at the "GAIN" switch were 10K, 17K, 25K, 47K, 75K which are
now 10K, 25K, 75K, 140K, 324K. The first plate (pin 1) resistor was 22K and changed to 56K and
the second plate (pin 6) resistor changed from 100K to 220K. We also changed the pick-off point for
the compressor sidechain from the first grid (pin 2) to the VU pick-off point at the pre-amp output.
All this added 10db to the gain and added some greater sensitivity on the Compressor Threshold.
The downside is a bit more expected noise with higher gains (physics). For those recording typically
loud vocals these mods will have little value but for those working with quieter voices or less
sensitive mics, these are worthwhile mods.

We can do this mod for older VOXBOXEN at the factory, andwhile we do it replace tubes as needed
and re-tweak for original calibration. As usual our repair turn-around is very quick and inexpensive.

Thanks again, for everybody's support, reviews and positive feedback !