Usage – Avocent PS/2 KVM User Manual
Page 15

Single port PS2 KVM over IP
over IP switch works with accelerated mice and is able to synchronize the local with the remote
mouse pointer (see Section 5.3.3), there are the following limitations which may prevent this
synchronization from working properly:
Special Mouse Driver - There are mouse drivers, which influence the synchronization process
leading to desynchronized mouse pointers. If this happens, make sure you
don’t use a special vendor-specific mouse driver on your host system
Windows XP Mouse - Setting Windows XP knows a setting to ’improve mouse acceleration’,
which has to be deactivated
5. Usage
5.1 Prerequisites
The PS/2 KVM OVER IP features an embedded operating system and the according
applications offering a variety of standardized interfaces. The functionality is exposed to the user
via these interfaces. This chapter will describe all of these interfaces and how to use them in
detail. All the interfaces are accessed using the TCP/IP protocol family, thus they can be used
equally over the built-in Ethernet adapter, over modem or over ISDN.
The following interfaces are supported:
1. HTTP/HTTPS: The most complete access is provided by an embedded Web server. Thus
the PS/2 KVM OVER IP environment can be entirely controlled by a standard Web browser.
Depending on the Web browser you can access the PS/2 KVM OVER IP card using the
unsecured HTTP protocol or, in case the browser supports it, the encrypted HTTPS
protocol. It is recommended to use HTTPS whenever possible.
2. Telnet: A standard Telnet client can be used to access an arbitrary device connected to
PS/2 KVM OVER IP’s serial port via a terminal mode.
Since the primary interface of PS/2 KVM OVER IP is the HTTP interface this chapter is mainly
concerning this topic. Other interfaces are explained in their according subtopics.
In order to use the Remote Console window of your managed host system the browser has to
come with a Java Runtime Environment version 1.1 or higher. But even if the used browser has
no Java support, for instance on small handheld devices, you are still able to maintain your
remote host system using the administration forms displayed by the browser itself.
We recommend the following browser for an unsecured connection to PS/2 KVM OVER IP.
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or higher on Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows
2000, Windows XP
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or Mozilla 1.0 on Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Linux and other UNIX like Operating Systems
In order to access the remote host system using a securely encrypted connection you need a
browser that supports the HTTPS protocol. Strong security is only assured by using key length of
128 Bit. Many old browsers don’t have a strong 128 Bit encryption algorithm due to former export
regulations of US authorities. For instance Internet Explorer 5.0, that comes as part of Windows
ME and Windows 2000 supports a key length of 56 Bit only. You can read about the key length of
your Internet Explorer under the menu points ‘?’ and ‘Info’. The dialog box shows also a hyperlink