Asm 7.0 faq (frequently asked questions) – Acer ASM 7 User Manual
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ASM 7.0 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Acer Confidential
for Windows 2000 users, the latest patch and service pack for OS and IE must be installed in advanced.
Some tips of ASM 7.0 Agent installation are as following:
Insert ASM 7.0 CD
Select “Local install”
Select “Server Install (Primary Agents)”
Input the password for BMC (8 characters at least)
Follow the step in screen to finish the installation and then reboot system
NOTE 1: Please make sure the IP address is set properly in advance
NOTE 2: Since the installation program cannot detect the features provided by the managed server, users
have to type in BMC password for going to next step
NOTE 3: For detail procedure, please refer to the document “Getting Started with Acer Server Manager”
in ASM 7.0 CDROM.
How do I install ASM 7.0 build 100 in Linux?
ANSWER: Please refer to “ASM 7.0 Getting Started Guide” for detail requirements in Linux environment.
Besides, be kindly informed,
1. Check “everything” in package selection for Linux installation option.
2. The Linux setup script can only execute in X Window
Then, please follow the instructions to install ASM 7.0 build 100 in Linux below.
Insert ASM 7.0 build 100 CDROM (EasyBUILD 7.0 Management CD)
Login as root
Install ASM 7.0
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/ism/Software
# ./setup
ASM 7.0 build 100 only supports Altos G310 Mk2
NOTE 2: Since Altos G310 Mk2 is a non-IPMI based system, the separated installation process for sensors
related files in Linux is required.
NOTE 3: Please refer to ASM 7.0 Release Notes for lmsensor package installation procedure