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Coverage size
The HFLUM2-WR coverage is 360°
and its reach ranges from 3.3 to 26
feet (see next page for reach/sensitivity
adjustment). Actual coverage may vary
depending on luminaire configuration and
environmental conditions.

Lamp seasoning
Some florescent lamp manufacturers
recommend seasoning or “burning in”
lamps. To meet this recommendation, the
following seasoning procedure should be
carried out for new fluorescent lamps.

• Connect luminaire, switch ON for at

least one minute

• Switch power supply OFF/ON twice

(main or light switch within 0.5 – 1 sec)

• Alternatively, you can start the

seasoning process by using the
potentiometers. Turn all 3 setting
controls fully clockwise, then turn
the middle setting control (time) fully
counter-clockwise and fully clockwise
again (within 10 sec)

• The seasoning process is confirmed by

switching the light OFF and back ON
again twice

• The light is now left ON for four days

without sensor function. Do not
disconnect the light from the main
power supply during this period.

• The luminaire automatically returns to

sensor mode after 96 hours

3.3 - 26 ft

1 - 8 m

3.3 - 13 ft

1 - 4


Setup & Commissioning


Test mode

• Ensure that the sensor is in test mode.

- set time delay to minimum setting of

30 seconds

- set light level to maximum

(“day” setting, light level function

- set sensitivity to minimum

• Turn power ON at the circuit breaker

(lights will turn ON). After a warm up
period of up to one minute, lights will
turn OFF if the sensor does not detect

• Walk in view of sensor, lights should turn

ON. Be still for 30 seconds and lights
should turn OFF.

After setup and commissioning tests are
complete, adjust the light level, time delay,
and reach settings to fit the application

(800) 852-4343