Avalon Stoves Astoria Bay User Manual

• 24 karat gold
plated door
and grill
• Brushed nickel
plated door
and grill
• Remote control
• Large ceramic log
Named for the historic bay where Lewis and Clark wintered on the Pacific, the Astoria Bay™ large pellet insert is the
ultimate culmination of design and function. Easy to start, easy to operate and easy to maintain.
The Astoria Bay is designed to turn your inefficient open fireplace into a power house home heater (45,100 BTU/Hour).
Adjust the feed rate to low and with the maximum fuel load (82 lbs.), you can expect up to 52 hours of continuous
heating. Use the provided wall thermostat and stretch the burn time even longer. The computerized control panel
allows you to operate the Astoria Bay manually or change to a fully automatic mode with the push of a button.
The EPA certified Astoria Bay is extremely clean to burn producing just 0.7 grams of emission per hour.
Easy to understand controls and tool-free cleaning makes the Astoria Bay the
easiest pellet insert to operate and maintain, and is backed by Avalon’s Seven
Year Warranty
The Astroia Bay comes standard with black door, black convection grill and cast
brick fireback. Further enhance your decor by upgrading with 24 karat gold or
brushed nickel door and grills and ceramic log set options.
Awarded as one of the top
pellet appliances