HP Envy 13-1003xx Notebook PC User Manual
Page 92

mouse, external
setting preferences 23
multimedia software
mute key
mute light, identifying 3
network cable, connecting 22
network icon 12, 21
network key 21
network security codes
operating system
Microsoft Certificate of
Authenticity label 10
Product Key 10
optical drive
optical drive, external 57
page down hotkey 27
page up hotkey 27
administrator 65
power-on 66
set in Setup Utility 64
set in Windows 64
pinching TouchPad gesture 24
pointing devices
setting preferences 23
power button, identifying 4
power connector, identifying 7
power cord, identifying 9
power light, identifying 3
power-on password
creating 66
primary hard disk self test 72
Product Key 10
product name and number,
computer 10
programs, using 31
projector, connecting 33
readable media 38
recovering a program or driver 75
recovering from the dedicated
recovery partition 78
recovering from the recovery
discs 78
recovery discs 75
Recovery Manager 75, 78
recovery partition 75
recovery, system 78
regulatory information
regulatory label 10
wireless certification labels 10
restore points 77
rotating TouchPad gesture 24
screen brightness keys 25
screen image, switching 26
scrolling TouchPad gesture 24
security cable slot, identifying 6
security cable, installing 67
Security menu 71
security, wireless 15
serial number, computer 10
service tag 10
setup of WLAN 15
Setup Utility
changing the language 69
displaying system
information 70
exiting 71
menus 71
navigating 70
passwords set in 64
restoring default settings 70
selecting 70
starting 69
Digital Media 7
security cable 6
Disk Cleanup 55
Disk Defragmenter 54
MediaSmart 31
using 31
Wireless Assistant 14
solid-state drive (SSD) 54, 75,
speakers, identifying 5
storing battery 52
supported discs 76
System Configuration menu 71
system failure or instability 75
system information hotkey 27
system information,
system recovery 78
system restore points 75, 77
temperature 52
buttons 2
cleaning 27
gestures 23
identifying 2
using 23
TouchPad gestures
pinching 24
rotating 24
scrolling 24
zooming 24
TouchPad light, identifying 3
TouchPad on/off button 2
traveling with the computer 52
turning off the computer 52
unresponsive system 52
USB cable, connecting 60
USB devices
connecting 59
description 59
removing 60