HP XP7 Storage User Manual
Page 40
Retry Interval (sec.): Enter the interval to retry the connection to the key
management server. Values: 1 to 60. Default: 1.
Number of Retries: Enter the number of times to retry the connection to
the key management server. Values: 1 to 50. Default: 3.
Client Certificate File Name: Select the client certificate file for connecting
to the key management server. Click Browse and select the file.
Browse: Select the client certificate file. The form of the client certificate
is PKCS#12. For information about the client certificate file, contact the
server or network administrator. The file name appears in the Client
Certificate File Name field.
Password: Enter the password for the client certificate.
Character limits: 0 to 128.
Valid characters: Numbers (0 to 9)
Upper case: (A-Z)
Lower case: (a-z)
Symbols: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Root Certificate File Name: Select the root certificate file for connecting
to the key management server. Click Browse and select the file.
Browse: Select the root certificate file. The form of the client certificate
is X.509. If you do not know about the root certificate file, contact the
server administrator or the network administrator. The name of the
selected file appears in the Root Certificate File Name field.
When the secondary server is set to Enable, the same items can be set as
the items of the primary server.
Secondary Server
Select Check to start a server connection test for the key management server
based on the specified settings.
Server Configuration Test
Start a server connection test for the key management server based on the
specified settings.
Shows the result of the server connection test for the key management server.
Checks when encryption keys are created on a key management server.
Generate Encryption Keys on Key
Management Server
Specifies when key encryption keys are saved on key management servers.
If Warning is displayed, confirm the content of the warning, and select I
Protect the Key Encryption Key at the Key
Management Server
Checks when encryption keys are saved on key management servers and
encryption keys cannot be created on the storage system. If Warning is
displayed, confirm the content of the warning, and select I Agree.
Disable local key generation
Caution: If you finish the setting, you cannot restore the setting, so it is
recommended that you confirm there are no problems before selecting I
Select to initialize the connection settings to the key management server.
Initialize Encryption Environmental Settings
DKA Encryption GUI Reference