HP Compaq Presario CQ42-152TU Notebook PC User Manual

Page 122

background image

network security codes

network key 21

noise suppression circuitry

modem cable 11
network cable 22


operating system 71
optical disc

Blu-ray Disc 43
CD-R 42
CD-RW 42
DVD±R 42
LightScribe DVD+R 43
removing 48
using 41

optical drive

identifying 7
removing 49
using 40

optical drive light, identifying 7



administrator 90
power-on 90
set in Setup Utility 89
set in Windows 89

performing a recovery 109

external monitor 8, 37
HDMI 8, 38
USB 7, 8, 80


connecting 63
conserving 70

power button, identifying 4
power connector, identifying 7
power cord, identifying 11
power light, identifying 3
power-on password

creating 91
entering 91
managing 91

Processor C6 State 99
product name and number,

computer 12

programs, updating 103

projector, connecting 37
public WLAN connection 18


readable media 60
recovering a program or

driver 104

recovering from the dedicated

recovery partition 109

recovering from the recovery

discs 109

recovery discs 104, 105
Recovery Manager 104, 109
recovery partition 104
recovery, system 109
region codes, DVD 45
regulatory information

modem approval label 12
wireless certification labels 12

release latch

battery 66

restore points 108
restoring default settings 97
RJ-11 (modem) jack,

identifying 7

RJ-45 (network) jack,

identifying 8


secondary hard drive self test 99
security cable slot, identifying 7
Security menu 98
security, wireless 17
selecting in Setup Utility 96
serial number, computer 12
service tag 12
setup of WLAN 16
Setup Utility, passwords set in 89
shut down 71

exiting 60
initiating 60


Digital Media 8
memory module 9
security cable 7


Disk Cleanup 75
Disk Defragmenter 75
multimedia 35

Windows Media Player 35
Wireless Assistant 15

solid-state drive (SSD) 104,


speakers, identifying 4, 32
starting Setup Utility 95
storing battery 70
supported discs 105
System Configuration menu 99
system failure or instability 104
system information 98
system recovery 109
system restore points 104, 108


temperature 70
tips, webcam 52

buttons 2
identifying 2, 24
setting preferences 27

TouchPad light, identifying 24
TouchPad right/left buttons,

identifying 24

TouchPad zone

identifying 2

traveling with the computer

modem approval label 12
wireless certification labels 12


disc burning 57
disc play 56
DVD movie play 57
external display 57
HP device drivers 59
optical disc tray 54
optical drive detection 55
Windows device drivers 59

turning off the computer 71


unresponsive system 71
USB cable, connecting 80
USB devices

connecting 80
description 80
removing 81

USB hubs 80
USB ports, identifying 7, 8, 80
using Setup Utility 96

112 Index