HP Mini 5102 User Manual

Page 129

background image

Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity

label 12

minimizing interference 40
monitor port, external 7
monitor, connecting 48
mouse, external

connecting 73
setting preferences 73

MultiBay 67
MultiBoot Express 102, 106
multimedia components,

identifying 42

multimedia software

using 45

MultiMediaCard 71
mute button 43


network key 39
network security codes

network key 39

Network Service Boot 103
network status icon 27, 39
NIC boot device 102, 103
num lock, external keypad 82


operating system

Microsoft Certificate of

Authenticity label 12

Product Key 12

optical disc

inserting 68
removing 69

optical drive 67



administrator 52
BIOS administrator 53
DriveLock 55
user 52

pinching touch screen

gestures 80

pointing device preferences,

setting 73


external monitor 7, 48
USB 6, 7, 65


connecting 16
conserving 24

power button, identifying 4
power connector, identifying 7
power cord, identifying 11
power light, identifying 3
power plans 14
Product Key 12
product name and number,

computer 9, 11


using 45

projector, connecting 48
public WLAN connection 32
PXE server 103


QuickLock key 75
QuickLook button, identifying 4
QuickLook light, identifying 3
QuickWeb button, identifying 4
QuickWeb light, identifying 3


readable media 13
recovering 113, 116
regulatory information

regulatory label 12
wireless certification labels 12

release latches, battery 8
RJ-45 (network) jack,

identifying 6

rotating, touch screen

gestures 79


screen brightness keys 75
screen image, switching 75
scrolling regions, TouchPad 2
scrolling, touch screen

gestures 78

SD Card 71
SD Card Reader 6, 71
security cable slot, identifying 6
Security menu 109
security, wireless 31
serial number, computer 9, 11
service tag 9, 11
setup of WLAN 31

setup utility

File menu 109
navigating and selecting 107
restoring factory settings 108
Security menu 109
System Configuration

menu 110

setup, computer 1
shutdown 25
shutting down 25

inserting 34
label 12
removing 35


exiting 13
initiating 13

Sleep key 75

security cable 6

SoftPaqs, downloading 100

BIOS update 99
Disk Cleanup 87
Disk Defragmenter 87
HP Connection Manager 29
updating programs and

drivers 100

using 45
Wireless Assistant 29

speakers 6, 43
storing battery 25
switch, wireless 6
System Configuration menu 110
system date and time 109
system fan 111
system information 109
system information key 5


temperature 25
touch screen

performing screen actions 77
preferences 81
using 77

touch screen gestures

dragging 78
pinching 80
rotating 79

Index 119