HP LaserJet M1120 Multifunction Printer User Manual

Page 145

background image



driver settings 20, 23
drivers supported 7
installing printing system for

direct connections 21

installing printing system for

networks 21

Intel Core Processor 6
print settings 20
problems, solving 106
resize documents 23
scanning from control

panel 25

scanning from TWAIN-

compliant software 62

scanning page-by-page 25
scanning to e-mail 25
scanning to file 25
support 114
supported operating

systems 6, 20

USB card,

troubleshooting 107

Macintosh driver settings

custom-size paper 23
Services tab 24

maintenance agreements 116
material restrictions 124
Material Safety Data Sheet

(MSDS) 124


copy settings 56
curled, troubleshooting 92
custom-size, Macintosh

settings 23

default size for tray 36
document size, selecting 44
first page 23, 43
jams 83
orientation, setting 45
pages per sheet 24
pages per sheet, Windows 48
printing on special media 42
select size and type 38
size, changing 57
size, selecting 44
source, selecting 44
supported sizes 33

troubleshooting 93
type, changing 57
type, selecting 44
wrinkled 93


specifications 3


control panel, access 11
Copy setup 11
Reports 12
Service 12
System setup 12

menu map

printing 70

mercury-free product 124

control panel 80
critical 81


comparison 1
number, locating 5

multiple pages per sheet 24, 48


n-up printing

Windows 48


configuring 27
operating systems

supported 28

protocols supported 29
troubleshooting 104

network port

locating 5
setting up 29


Macintosh installation 21

noise specifications 119
number of copies, changing 52


OCR software 63
on/off switch, locating 4
online support 114
operating environment,

specifications 119

operating systems supported 6,

7, 14, 20

operating systems, networks 28

optical character recognition

software 63

ordering supplies and

accessories 110

orientation, setting 45
output bin

capacity 3
locating 4

output quality

copy, troubleshooting 97
print, troubleshooting 90, 102
scans, troubleshooting 100,



packaging device 116
page-by-page scanning

(Macintosh) 25


blank 95
excessive curl 94
misfeeding 94
not printing 96
skewed 92, 94

pages per minute 3
pages per sheet

Windows 48


copy settings 56
curled, troubleshooting 92
custom-size, Macintosh

settings 23

document size, selecting 44
first page 23, 43
jams 83
pages per sheet 24
size, changing 57
size, selecting 44
source, selecting 44
supported sizes 33
supported types 38
troubleshooting 93
type, changing 57
type, selecting 44
wrinkled 93

paper input trays

feeding problems,

troubleshooting 95


Index 135