HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual

Page 48

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Storage Resource Information


Host Group Name: The Application Integration Software creates a host group with the

default name SAP ACC Reserved on the array port (next field) and assigns all the physical

devices used in the Adaptive Computing environment to this group. You can re-name the host

group name used for the reserved port, either when defining the port in this dialog box, or in

the Program Properties tab on the Main Menu. A new or existent group name can be used.

When renaming the Reserved-Group, all LUNs currently in the Reserved-Group will be moved

over to the new Reserved-Group and the old one will be deleted. This Reserved-Group

should not be used for any other purpose besides SAP ACC.

Array Port: Select an array port from the pull-down list of ports. The list of ports displayed are

Target (or RCU Target) ports with security enabled.

In the HP StorageWorks XP array, a storage device not presented to any host or host port is

considered a free or available device to be used whenever new storage is required. To protect

the data on a storage device that is not currently active in the Adaptive Computing environment,

the HP Storage Essentials SRM SAP ACC Integration software presents all Adaptive Computing

storage devices to a reserved host group (the Reserved-Group), to ensure that these devices will

always have at least one presentation to a port in the array. The port does not have to be

connected to any hosts, and the host group does not provide access to any host either.


If a reserved port already exists for this HP StorageWorks XP array, the

Reserved-Group dialog box is not displayed. Just proceed to

step 8



The HP StorageWorks XP array has a limit of the number of physical devices that

can be assigned per host group and per port. This limit is dependent on the array version

and can be between 1024 and 2048 devices. This provides an upper limit on the maximum

number of devices that the current version of Application Integration Software can manage

per storage array.


Click Next. The Confirm details for new Storage Resource window opens. This window does not

let you modify the reserved group port number or name. To modify that information, click Cancel

and restart the process. Specifically, to modify the mount point(s) selected, click Prev and the list

of mount points will be displayed again including your last selection.


Click Finish to complete the process.
The Storage Resource is added to the HP Storage Essentials SRM SAP ACC Integration Software

configuration files. The physical devices are also added to the reserved group on the specific

array. The reserved group is also created if this is the first Storage Resource for that array.